Finance & Investment Analysis

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Finance & Investment Analysis

About the show

Appearing 90 minutes into the show, investment advisor Catherine Austin Fitts spoke about the financial outlook. The global economy has been dependent on issuing more and more debt, and now that we can't keep expanding the debt, "we're literally seeing an economic contraction," she commented. Prices have been held down as we print more cash, and now we're going to have reconcile the paper to real things, leading to a deflation of income, but inflation of prices, she warned.

What we're watching is a financial system that is driving small business out of business, Fitts said, explaining that all the capital goes to Wall St. to the firms that have the inside deals. We need to change the economic model away from the centralized banks, she added.

Fitts noted that one of the biggest financial mistakes that people make is that they don't invest in preventative health care. As far as investments, she recommended precious metals, energy technology, as well pooling resources in investment clubs. Farmland with great water is even a better investment than gold, she said, as food you buy at stores isn't always trustworthy.

Life by Chance?

During the first half-hour, Robert Piccioni, Ph.D. argued against the notion that the development of life happened by chance, citing the complicated and sophisticated design of DNA. His interview was cut short because of difficulties with his phone line.


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