Major Ed Dames

Major Ed Dames


The world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) is a decorated military intelligence officer and an original member of the U.S. Army prototype remote viewing training program. He served as the training and operations officer for the Defense Intelligence Agency's psychic intelligence (PSIINT) collection unit, and currently serves as executive director for the Matrix Intelligence Agency, a private consulting group. The technical consultant for the feature film, Suspect Zero, (a Tom Cruise-Paula Wagner production), Ed coached Sir Ben Kingsley, and played the role of an FBI remote viewing instructor in the movie, as well.




Past Shows:

  • Pandemic Earth Changes / Art Bell Tribute

    Biologist Peter Ward discussed different angles of the pandemic, including changes to nature. Followed by a tribute the late Coast founder, Art Bell.More »
  • Strengthening the Immune System / The Pandemic & Remote Viewing

    Ben Fuchs shared methods to strengthen one's immune system. Followed by Ed Dames on the remote viewed cause of the pandemic and how it will play out.More »
  • Killshot & Remote Viewing / Cayce, Healing, & Past Lives

    Ed Dames shared remote viewing updates on on the Killshot and Project Starman. Followed Shelley Kaehr on healing techniques and the Cayce material.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/14/96 when Ed Dames talked about remote viewing 'Art's Parts' and why he believes they come from a 'time machine.'More »
  • Remote Viewing Insights/ Afterlife Mysteries

    Major Ed Dames discussed dire predictions and the Sasquatch/UFO connection. Followed by Christina Rasmussen on the mystery of the afterlife.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere In Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/6/96 for a night of Open Lines and an appearance by Major Ed Dames.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 1/29/99 when Ed Dames revealed his truly scary remote viewing of Satan.More »
  • Remote Viewing Targets/ Spirits of the Old Southwest

    Ed Dames shared updates on the Killshot and the East Area Rapist case. Followed by Dan Baldwin and Rhonda & Dwight Hull on spirit contacts.More »
  • Art Bell Tribute Show

    Coast to Coast AM presented a special tribute to Art Bell, with a cavalcade of guests throughout the night, and classic audio clips.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 9/27/01 when Major Ed Dames detailed the tactics his team was taking to remote view the events of 9/11.More »
  • Remote Viewing Revelations/ Ancient Astronauts

    Ed Dames presented remote viewing updates on N. Korea and other topics. Followed by Erich von Däniken on ET contacts with the ancients.More »
  • North Korea & the Killshot/ Exploring the Universe

    Major Ed Dames discussed the use of remote viewing to examine world events.Brian Cox described how science addresses fundamental ideas of reality.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 5/4/99 when remote viewer Ed Dames shared updates, including what 's behind the chemtrails mystery.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time traveled back to August 13, 1997, when Art interviewed remote viewing expert Ed Dames, who gave a wide variety of doom and gloom predictions for the future after remote viewing several high profile targets.More »
  • Natural Healing/ The Solar Superstorm

    In the first half, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed the human body's innate ability to heal itself through natural means, without the use of dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals. In the latter half, remote viewing teacher Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (Ret.) presented...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 5/30/96 for a night of Open Lines, and a brief appearance by Major Ed Dames, who shares grave news about the future and environment.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time journeyed back to June 14, 1996, when Art was joined by expert remote viewer Ed Dames who discusses remote viewing "Art's Parts" and why he believes it comes from a "time machine."More »
  • Remote Viewing/ Egypt Discovery

    In the first half, remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) spoke about what he's uncovered remote viewing covert ET and human agendas. In the latter half, Dr. Carmen Boulter revealed an astounding new discovery in Egypt found using a...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 9/18/97 when Ed Dames described his remote viewing session of the Phoenix Lights, and how he determined it was a hoax.More »
  • Remote Viewing Predictions/ Dream Analysis

    In the first half, foremost remote viewing teacher, Edward A. Dames, Major, U.S. Army (ret.) discussed the convergence of several Remote Viewing predictions that he claims have been coming to pass in 2014 including recent solar activity and reports of increased radiation from...More »
  • Fourth of July Secret Door

    In a special Fourth of July edition of the 'Secret Door,' George Noory welcomed four different guests, including author Heidi Hollis, consultant George Ure, remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames, and psychic Anthony Carr. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Banker Deaths/ Ukraine Update

    In the first half, former commodities trader and "guerrilla economist," V, talked about the recent mysterious deaths of bankers, including three who worked at JPMorgan. In the latter half, remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames, who lives part time in Kiev with his family,...More »
  • Remote Viewing Forecasts

    Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames returned to discuss the current cases his agency-- the Matrix Intelligence Agency-- is working on, as well as his forecast for the new year ahead. First hour guest, reporter David Seaman talked about Bitcoin, a digital currency that has...More »
  • UFO Disclosure/ Remote Viewing

    In the first half, authors Steven Greer and Paola Harris discussed the Atacama humanoid as well as UFO disclosure. In the latter half, remote viewing teacher, Ed Dames, talked about his predictions that North Korea would use a nuclear weapon in anger and how a global...More »
  • End of the Mayan Calendar Extravaganza

    George Noory checked in on the status of the post Mayan calendar world with various guests, including Richard C. Hoagland, John Hogue Major Ed Dames, Mike Bara, Barbara Marx Hubbard, L.A. Marzulli, Dannion Brinkley, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, Glynis McCants, Whitley Strieber, Wynn...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to January 29, 1999, when remote viewing expert Ed Dames discussed the scary discoveries he made when he remote viewed Satan, whom he's convinced is real.More »
  • Remote Viewing Mars

    Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames shared updates on solar threats, ETs and other-dimensional visitors, as well as his recent work remote viewing why Mars lost its atmosphere, killing off its life and civilizations. First hour guest, editor of Veterans Today, Gordon Duff,...More »
  • Solar Killshots & ET Intervention

    Remote viewing teacher Ed Dames presented his latest insights and predictions on such subjects as 'Solar Killshot' safe havens, ongoing extraterrestrial intervention, the Fukushima disaster, and war with Iran. First hour guest, historian and broadcaster Raymond Wiley...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 9/27/01 when remote viewing expert Maj. Ed Dames discussed the tactics his team was taking to remote view the events of 9/11.More »
  • Remote Viewing Insights

    Remote viewing teacher, Ed Dames, shared his latest insights and predictions, based on remote viewing done by him and his team. He announced that the current solar cycle could generate some deadly coronal mass ejections-- a series of "killshots." First hour guest, writer...More »
  • Rock Music & 1970

    Many people point to 1969 as being a pivotal year for change. But Rolling Stone writer David Browne is more convinced that 1970 is the true culprit to the end of peace and love. He joined George Knapp to look at how 1970 changed the world through the stories of four rock and...More »
  • Remote Viewing Warnings

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed his previous prediction of a major quake in Japan, and shared insights into forthcoming quakes, the solar 'Kill Shot,' and safe places to live.More »
  • Remote Viewing Forecast

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed the current cases his agency is working on, as well as provided updates on sunspot activity and military events around the world, including a possible terrorist attack on the U.S. in which fuel-air weapons are to be employed. ...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to May 4, 1999 when Ed Dames shared remote viewing updates.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 8/4/97 when Maj. Ed Dames discussed remote viewing, Roswell, and Project Starman.More »
  • Cosmology/Remote Viewing

    In the first half of the show, Astronomy Professor Chris Impey discussed the evolution and structure of galaxies, as well as the eventual death of the Milky Way. In the latter half of the show, Maj. Ed Dames returned to share remote viewing updates on such topics as the...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to June 8, 2001, when remote viewer Maj. Ed Dames discussed the surprising truth about Shadow People, and the origins of an underwater city.More »
  • Remote Viewing Updates

    Maj. Ed Dames returned to discuss current cases his agency is working on, as well as updates on solar activity and other events. Last hour guest, earth changes expert Mitch Battros shared reports of recent activity.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 12/10/01 for a discussion with remote viewer Maj. Ed Dames on the 9-11 attacks, and the Anthrax killer.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 12/7/95 for Maj. Ed Dames' very first appearance on the show. They discussed remote viewing as well as many black op projects.More »
  • The Dire Future

    Remote viewing teacher Maj. Ed Dames discussed some current cases of his Matrix Intelligence Agency, as well as issued some dire warnings over future events. First hour guest, Capt. Kelly Sweeney spoke about the increase in ship piracy off Somalia.More »
  • Dowsing, Remote Viewing & the Future

    Remote Viewing instructor Paul Smith discussed how dowsing and remote viewing can be used to predict and visit the future. It's as if your consciousness can travel in time, both forward and back, he said. Large scale "deterministic" events in the future can't be changed, he...More »
  • Edgar Cayce's Readings

    Author and filmmaker Sydney Kirkpatrick discussed his research into the American prophet Edgar Cayce. He had exclusive access to Cayce's personal papers and trance readings, including the names of people who received readings, such as George Gershwin, Gloria Swanson, Tesla and...More »
  • Remote Viewing Updates

    Art Bell welcomed foremost remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames, who discussed some current cases of his Matrix Intelligence Agency as well as provided updates on past predictions.More »
  • The Coming of Planet X

    Debuting on the show, researcher Jaysen Q. Rand shared his view that Planet X is drawing close to Earth and will wreak havoc as it makes two passes through the solar system in 2009 and again in 2012.More »
  • Non-Physical Realms

    Physicist Tom Campbell spoke about his experiences exploring different realms of consciousness. He worked with Robert Monroe in the early 1970s, helping establish Monroe's laboratory for the study of consciousness, and develop the Hemi-Sync technology, used to attain specific...More »
  • Remote Viewing Bin Laden

    Remote viewing teacher Maj. Ed Dames discussed how his agency (the Matrix Intelligence Agency) has pinned down the location of Osama bin Laden.More »
  • UFO & Antigravity Disclosure

    UFO Researcher David Sereda discussed his recent work, videotaping the disclosure of 73-year old Boyd Bushman, a Lockheed Martin Senior Research Scientist of 20 years, who held Top Secret clearance.More »
  • Remote Viewing Update

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames returned with his latest prognostications.More »
  • Propagation of Evil

    Filling in for George Noory, Art Bell hosted a night of Open Lines.More »
  • Remote Viewing Update

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames returned to share his latest targets and news.More »
  • A Study of Noise

    Prof. of Electrical Engineering at USC, Bart Kosko, discussed the complex relationship humans have to noise.More »
  • Remote Viewing Targets

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames ( announced a "tremendous breakthrough" in his field, saying that it's now possible for his team to locate targets with GPS precision.More »
  • Archetypal Astrology

    Art Bell was joined by Richard Tarnas, author of Cosmos and Psyche and The Passion of the Western Mind, for a discussion on consciousness, the history of modern thought, and the validity of astrology and its role in world affairs.More »
  • Remote Viewing, ETs & Mind Warfare

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames returned to alert listeners to things he sees on the 'event horizon,' and also offer analysis of UFOs/aliens and mind warfare. Art asked him for a reaction to a recent news article about the Canadian Parliament being requested to hold...More »
  • Atlantis Connections

    Journalist and author Will Hart shared his insights into uncovering our cosmic ancestry and connections to Atlantis. The focus should not be on finding Atlantis on the bottom of the ocean, but rather in tracing its influence which is spread out across a number of civilizations,...More »
  • Renewable Energy

    Internationally recognized expert on our planet's delicate balance of sustaining life, Jim Bell, talked with host Art Bell about politics, peak oil production, and what we can do to become more energy self-sufficient. He believes the answer to energy self-sufficiency lies in...More »
  • Mind Warfare

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames returned to the show, sharing observations from his recent trip to Ukraine and reporting on the advent of "mind warfare." Countries such as China have become advanced in techniques of "remote interference," which he defined as the ability to...More »
  • EVPs, ETs & Our Coming Doom

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames returned to share his latest RV targets, as well as comment on Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVP) and his previous Indonesian earthquake prediction, in which he said there would be a 9+ quake with an epicenter just off the northwest tip of New...More »
  • Remote Viewing

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames helped welcome in an Unhappy New Year, as he warned about Earth's next major catastrophe. He also provided updates on a cold case involving a missing girl and a treasure hunt in the southwestern United States, which he discussed previously...More »
  • Remote Viewing Our Doom

    Saturday's main guest, remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed North Korea's nuclear capabilities, a coming global economic collapse, the "Killshot," as well as a new breakthrough in remote viewing.Dames is certain "the next use of a nuclear weapon will be on the Korean...More »
  • The Killshot

    During Saturday's show, the world's foremost remote viewing teacher, Major Ed Dames, discussed what he calls the "Killshot," a series of solar flares that he and his remote viewing research team believe will hit earth causing an extreme amount of destruction and death.More »
  • The Coming Cataclysm

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames shared his latest forecasts which included the identification of the key harbinger event that immediately precedes major cataclysms on our planet. The event he said to watch out for will be the early return of a Space Shuttle mission, due to...More »
  • A Dark Future

    Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed his latest forecasts which include in the next few years, the start of WWIII (brought on by a nuclear strike in North Korea) and calamitous geophysical changes caused by the return of Nibiru (Planet X) into our inner solar system.More »
  • Parallel Universes & Solar Kill Shots

    Saturday's first hour guest, remote viewer Major Ed Dames (website) said that the current solar activity was "the shot across the bow," that he has foreseen. These flares are a precursor to more severe upheavals on the sun, which would eventually lead to solar "kill shots,"...More »
  • Remote Viewing Update

    Sunday's main guest, remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed such topics as the solar kill shot, ET interactions with Earth, and China's secret weapons program, which he said could kill wheat crops in the US.More »
  • Remote Viewing Forecast

    "Remote Viewing is mind control," a kind of systematic ESP, where you're able to control your own mind, Major Ed Dames told Art Bell when he returned to Coast this Thursday night. First off, Dames was asked about a prediction he made in his last appearance on the show back in...More »
  • Dark Views

    "I have the most horrible message that I have ever put out in my 7 years on the show," said Major Ed Dames, who was George's guest on Thursday night. Dames, one of the world's foremost remote viewers, is predicting a nuclear attack by the North Koreans which he said will come...More »
  • What is Remote Viewing?

    Remote Viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discusses his methodology and shares his latest information.More »
  • Ed Dames

    Ed DamesMore »

Last Night

Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
John Brakey and Tim White shared methods for ensuring transparent and verifiable election voting results. Followed by Bob Roth on the value of meditation.
Art Bell Vault


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