Aliens & Time Travel / Hollywood & the Mob

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Aliens & Time Travel / Hollywood & the Mob

About the show

First Half: A distinguished professor of history at Citrus College, Bruce Solheim has, since the age of four, experienced angels, demons, ghosts, cryptids, telepathy, psychokinesis, mediumship, and alien contact. He will discuss the age-old question of whether we are alone in the universe, time travel, UAPs, and strange happenings at Wright Patterson AFB.

Second Half: Author, researcher, and film historian Stone Wallace has been examining various film genres, including classic Hollywood favorites such as westerns, comedies, horror, and war. He will address how gangsters, racketeers, and the Mob tried to infiltrate Hollywood for the career of actor George Raft, one of the screen's toughest and most convincing movie mobsters.

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