Close Encounters, Star Kids & ETs

Close Encounters, Star Kids & ETs


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Mary Rodwell, the founder of the Australian Close Encounter Resource Network (ACERN), shared knowledge gathered from working with alien abductees, experiencers and 'Star Kids.' She has found children's accounts of contact with ETs to be particularly compelling, with one child describing being transported through walls and saying he learns more on spaceships than he does in school. A number of abductees have reversed their negative conceptions of their encounters, she said. For instance, they might view the medical procedures done on them as necessary for the ET's monitoring of Earth pollution.

Rodwell said that many of her clients have around 80% conscious recall of their experiences aboard alien craft. They sometimes see more than one type of ET working together, which might include the Insect/Mantis type (ancient & wise), Lion Beings w/ human-like face (loving) as well as the beige-colored small Zetas, she detailed. Experiencers sometimes create unusual scripts & complex artwork, or speak in strange languages. According to Rodwell, these "holographic packets" are an aspect of multidimensional ET communications, which could help humans evolve.

She has also examined the Star Kids phenomenon and noted that in many cases children over the past few decades have developed accelerated abilities. In metaphysical circles, they are sometimes referred to as Indigo or Crystal children. Rodwell sees the development of Star Kids as the ET's deliberate program to "upgrade humanity." She noted that in China, children in a "super-psychic" program can open the bud of a flower with their mind, or change the DNA of a sample in a Petri dish.
At the start of the interview, Dr. Roger Leir, who wrote the foreword to Rodwell's book Awakening, briefly joined the program.

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