On the Night Shift...

On the Night Shift...


Hosted byGeorge Noory

George offered a 'night worker' hotline for listeners who've had strange experiences while toiling late into the night. A cab driver from Colorado Springs recounted the time he drove a woman to her friend's house, where she discovered the friend dead and ran back outside to the car. The cabby said he went into the house to investigate, saw the dead guy, then walked back out after the paramedics arrived. While outside, the driver claims to have had a 'mental' conversation with the recently deceased man, assuaging his fears about the pet dog he left behind and directing him to cross over into the light.

Peter from Dawson, Pennsylvania said about five weeks ago his deceased father warned him in a dream that his daughter would drown. He found this revelation especially upsetting given that his father's ghost had recently insisted he contact his troubled 'Uncle' John, who committed suicide before Peter could reach him.

Alexander in Delray Beach, Florida recalled a strange occurrence that happened to him in New York City's subway system. According to his account, he noticed a nice-looking family (man, woman and baby) while aboard a subway train that he exited at the wrong stop. When the next train arrived five minutes later, Alexander said he was shocked to find the same family located in the same spot aboard the new train.

Middle East & Lemuria

In the first hour of the program, George chatted with author and mind-body medicine expert Dr. Shelley Kaehr about 'End Times' and the current tensions in the Middle East. Kaehr, who believes "most of the people in this world are good people," encouraged Coast listeners to think positively and to expect peace if they want to see it happen. Kaehr also discussed the mythological continent of Lemuria.

Near the end of the interview George led a mass consciousness experiment in which he asked the Coast audience to concentrate on placing "some kind of glow of love" over the people who are fighting in the Middle East.

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