Border Issues

Border Issues


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Author Jerome Corsi and Jim Gilchrist, the founder of the Minutemen Project, joined forces to discuss the battle to secure America's borders."Our borders are being erased," declared Corsi. As evidence, he cited the Security and Prosperity Partnership (, which he described as a governmental plan developed in 2005 to merge Canada, the U.S. and Mexico into a North American Union.Their goal is to build a ten lane freeway running from Texas to Canada, with Mexican truck drivers transporting goods from China, he said. This plan, which undercuts the unions, is a formula to destroy America's middle class by creating a "21st century slave trade," Corsi commented.

Gilchrist outlined how he'd long been frustrated by immigration laws not being enforced and that after 9-11 he decided to bring national attention to the issue, with the founding of the Minutemen. The volunteer group, which numbers in the thousands, stations members at different border sites and alerts the Border Patrol when they see attempted illegal crossings. Over 10,000 illegal aliens cross the U.S.' southern border every 24 hours, he reported, with four million annually making it into the country. Astonishingly, by 2025, if the situation hasn't been changed, there will be more illegal aliens then legal citizen voters in the U.S., he warned. He also expressed concern over terrorists getting in through the porous borders, and asserted that we are no safer than we were before 9-11.

To turn around the situation, Gilchrist suggested that we need to create an impenetrable wall (rather than a fence) and add 36,000 new border agents and several thousand professional investigators and administrators, as well as lawyers to prosecute unscrupulous employers of illegals.

Extreme Weather

First half-hour guest, author Christopher Burt reported on the recent heat wave and extreme weather. He believes that global warming is connected with these trends and that the worst is yet to come, with more intense heat waves over the next decade and beyond.

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