Miraculous Calls

Miraculous Calls


Hosted byGeorge Noory

During Open Lines George kept the program upbeat with a special hotline for people who wanted to share their 'miracle' stories. An oil company employee in Huston, Texas shared a story about his daughter, Madison, who was diagnosed with an enlarged heart and given only a short time to live. According to the caller, his daughter made a miraculous recovery in the hospital. He also recalled finding what appeared to be a thumb print on his daughter's leg, which he believes was a mark left behind from the healing hand of God.

A caller in Arizona described a boating accident that happened five years ago, when she was thrown over the bow by a wave and got her left ankle wedged in between some jagged boulders. She said her ankle was broken and bleeding badly. Her family was desperately trying to help her, the caller explained, when three men in white shirts mysteriously appeared to rescue her. After she was safely aboard the boat and her foot wrapped in a towel, the men vanished as suddenly as they had appeared, the caller said.

Another caller recounted the strange events that surrounded her father's century old pool table. She claimed the pool table is haunted and late at night people can be heard playing on it. George asked the caller to make a recording of the noises produced by the ghostly billiards table. A caller named Melissa shared a story about her friend's boyfriend, who is remodeling his 120-year-old house. Recently, he found parts of a human skeleton embedded in the walls. Melissa said she will be investigating the situation further.

Possessed Possessions

In the first hour, author Ed Okonowicz discussed haunted objects. Okonowicz said these 'active antiques' exhibit either strange behavior of their own or odd things start happening once they are brought into a home.

Okonowicz shared the story of a Baltimore police officer and his partner who were supposedly attacked by a possessed chair during a domestic disturbance call. He also recounted the tale of a haunted mirror that when gazed into displayed a gruesome murder scene involving its previous owner.

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