In the first half, George Knapp was joined by Richard B. Hoover, who presented compelling evidence for life outside of Earth in the form of microfossils contained within ancient terrestrial rocks and meteorites. Next, Beatles biographer Bob Spitz shared personal stories...
In the first half, editor of Investigate Magazine in New Zealand, Ian Wishart, discussed how people all over the world are waking up to the scary potential of abuse from centralized global control. He argued that hard-won freedoms are being chiseled away every day as a global...
JFK assassination expert Ed Haslam recounted the story of Judyth Vary Baker, a once promising science student and cancer researcher, who became involved with Lee Harvey Oswald over the summer of 1963 in New Orleans. Judyth Vary Baker and John Barbour also joined in the...
Bestselling author Dale Brown discussed how his new thriller relates to the real possibility of a deadly battle against the government and detailed how he honed his unique style of speculative fiction.
Ian Punnett hosted an evening of Open Lines which featured the theme of epiphanies and how they changed callers' lives. Dave in Hamilton, Ontario, recounted a hunting incident, which he called "such a ghastly experience" that it forever altered the course of his life. He...
Appearing during the middle two hours, astrophysicist and author Bernard Haisch discussed his theory, supported by recent astrophysical findings, that the universe has an intelligence behind it.