Neanderthals/ Alien & Military Abductions

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Neanderthals/ Alien & Military Abductions

About the show

In the first half, 'forbidden archeologist' Michael Cremo talked about new research which indicates that Neanderthals were as smart as humans. The evidence shows that Neanderthals deliberately buried their dead, which shows they had some compassion, and may have had a concept of the afterlife. Neanderthal stone tools, about 100,000 years old, were found on Crete and other Greek islands, and this suggests that they must have had made boats to reach the islands, he noted. It's also been shown that modern humans have up to 4% Neanderthal DNA, "so I think there's not such a big line of division between the Neanderthals...and humans of our type," he remarked.

Cremo also updated and reviewed some of his investigations into anomalous archaeological findings that point toward extreme human antiquity. Earlier this year, human footprints in rock were discovered at a storm-racked beach in Happisburgh, England, which date back to around 900,000 years ago-- earlier than mainstream archaeologists believe that humans like us existed, he reported. Cremo also cited the case of a Utah fossil collector, William Meister, who discovered a stone that he hammered open, which revealed a shoe print next to a trilobite, which dates back to a period of up to 500 million years ago.


In the latter half, expert in the alien abduction phenomena and abductee, Melinda Leslie, discussed her latest work with seeing UFOs with night vision goggles, and the consistent sightings happening in the skies. She leads UFO tours in Sedona with the goggles, and two weeks ago, they saw three craft-like objects in a triangle formation, which were joined by a fourth object that came up fast. "On about six occasions, we've seen fully structured craft," including discs, triangles, and teardrop shapes, she detailed.

Leslie also shared her case research and personal experiences of being interrogated, followed, and re-abducted and reverse engineered by covert operatives following her alien abductions. "I've had nine experiences of these covert-ops involvement," as well as black helicopter harassment, and phone and computer tampering, she reported. During the military abductions (MILABS), abductees are interrogated about their interactions with aliens, including if they were shown any technology or advanced information. She said that sometimes during MILABS abductees are tested for their Psi abilities, and possibly even recruited for Super Soldier programs (see related graphic). Later this month, Leslie will be speaking at the Mind Control Summit in Las Vegas.

News segment guests: Jerome Corsi, James Sanders


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