Ancient Ruins & Annunaki

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Ancient Ruins & Annunaki

About the show

Author and TV producer Michael Tellinger returned for a discussion about ancient ruins in Africa and their connection to the Annunaki, an ET civilization said to have come here thousands of years ago. There are around 10 million ancient stone circles in South Africa, which he suggested are connected to the Annunaki's presence on Earth. "I believe we have discovered the physical evidence of what Zecharia Sitchin has written about"-- that these structures were used for gold mining, instigated by the Annunaki, who created a slave race by genetically tinkering with indigenous proto-humans, he continued.

Based on aerial studies of the ruins, Tellinger has concluded that the civilization and mines were wiped out during the great flood written about in the Bible. He cited one ancient mine discovered by De Beers that is 22,000 ft. deep and appeared to have been constructed using laser-like technology. Tellinger believes an advanced technology using sound frequency, and sacred energy flow was employed in creating the various ancient structures.

Ground penetrating radar and other tests of the ruins have revealed numerous anomalies, he reported, such as electromagnetic waves inside the circles, and intense heat signatures. The Annunaki's mining of the gold may have included the monoatomic form (found in water). There's no question that the Annunaki ingested the gold, possibly in a white powder similar to what was called Manna from Heaven in the Bible, he added. For more, see a recap of Tellinger's 2010 Coast appearance.

Guns & the UN

First hour guest, research scientist John Lott reacted to a United Nations plan to enact tougher gun licensing & registration in the US. Such a plan could eventually be used to confiscate law-abiding citizens' guns, he commented, adding that these proposed additional measures do not help to solve crimes. For more, see a related Forbes op-ed piece by Larry Bell.

News segment guests: Chris Conrad, Lauren Weinstein

Bumper Music

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