Vernon Mahabal

Vernon Mahabal


Vernon Mahabal is the founder and director of the Palmistry Institute in San Francisco. The objectives of the Palmistry Institute are to further new advances in the field of hand analysis and to serve as a research and information resource. Its purpose is to restore the practice of palmistry to its rightful place as a respected and esteemed science. In 1979 he began formal training in Vedic (Eastern) cosmology which took him to India many times. He combines Western astrological palmistry with Chinese elemental hand analysis. He also continues new research, particularly within the field of fingerprints (dermatoglyphics). Mahabal has read thousands of hands, given hundreds of lectures and trained hundreds of students to read hands. Vernon also hosted his own national cable show called The Palmistry Show with Vernon Mahabal .



Past Shows:

  • Geoengineering Updates / Palmistry & the Soul

    First Half: Activist on geoengineering issues, Matthew Landman will discuss why he believes the flooding in Dubai is a result of weather engineering and how the green agenda is actually harmful to nature, as well as share a report on the first ever sun dimming experiment in the...More »
  • Biblical Prophecy & World Events / Palmistry Trends

    First Half: Troy Anderson is a Pulitzer Prize-nominated investigative journalist, FaithWords/Hachette author, and reporter at the Los Angeles Daily News. He'll discuss AI, digital currency, globalization of governments, and how all of these trends are referenced in biblical...More »
  • Alternative Health Tips / Palmistry & Predictions

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Vernon Mahabal on palm reading and predictions.More »
  • Secret Door Special XX

    George Noory welcomed four surprise guests: Actor/musician Bill Mumy; podcaster Jim Harold; palm reader Vernon Mahabal; and author Lionel Fanthorpe.More »
  • Palmistry Techniques/ Open Lines

    Palmist Vernon Mahabal discussed palmistry and its connection to astrology, as well as read Ian Punnett's palm (related photos). Open Lines followed.More »
  • Geoengineering Update

    Researcher and activist Dane Wigington discussed the devastating effects of geoengineering and how the planet may be headed for environmental apocalypse.More »
  • Financial Outlook/ Palmistry & Trends

    In the first half, financial advisor Catherine Austin Fitts joined George in the studio to discuss the outlook for the US and world economies, and what the economy will look like under the next American president. In the latter half, founder and director of the Palmistry...More »
  • EMP Dangers/ Palmistry

    Professor of History, William R. Forstchen, discussed the looming dangers of an EMP attack, as well as a CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) or huge solar flare which could knock out the electrical grid. In the latter half, founder of the Palmistry Institute in LA, Vernon Mahabal,...More »
  • Palmistry/ Open Lines

    In the first half of the program, host Richard Syrett welcomed founder and director of the Palmistry Institute, Vernon Mahabal, who discussed the practice of palm reading. Open Lines followed in the latter half.More »
  • 'Dollar Democracy'/ Palmistry

    In the first half, college professor and political analyst Peter Mathews discussed the widening split between the rich and poor, and how America has become a "dollar democracy," with liberty and justice only for some of its citizens. In the latter half, founder of the...More »
  • Male & Female Psychology/ Palmistry Trends

    In the first half, internationally recognized expert in the fields of communication and relationships, John Gray PhD., discussed innate differences between men and women as related to workplace problems. In the latter half, founder of the Palmistry Institute, Vernon...More »
  • Astrological Palmistry

    Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells welcomed astrological palmist, Vernon Mahabal, who discussed the science behind reading hands, and some of the surprising things his reads have revealed to him. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Scariest Moments

    During Open Lines, George offered a 'scariest moment' hotline. James in San Diego said he was tormented by visitations from a dark entity over the course of two to three months in 1975. He described the entity as human-shaped, wearing a hood and colored with different swirls of...More »

Last Night

Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Is evil a metaphor for the bad things people do or does it prowl the earth like a living, breathing entity that possesses the souls of vulnerable humans? Author Ron Felber joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss what some are calling the most frightening book about demonic...
Art Bell Vault


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