OBEs: The Benefits of Astral Travel

Hosted byGeorge Noory

OBEs: The Benefits of Astral Travel

About the show

Speaker and author William Buhlman discussed the latest research on out-of-body experiences (OBEs). During these experiences a person moves into an astral realm-- a dimension of existence apart from the physical world. There are many benefits that can be gained during OBEs. You become an explorer who can ascertain direct knowledge about one's existence rather than just adhering to a belief system, he explained.

During sleep, people actual separate from their bodies, if only a few inches, Buhlman pointed out, adding that one purpose of sleep may be to recharge the body by accessing the etheric plane. He shared a technique for inducing OBEs: Get up after about 4 hours of sleep, and lie down on a couch instead of your bed. Then, repeat the affirmation "now I'm out of my body" and hold onto that thought.

People have reported having communications with deceased loved ones and family pets during astral travels. But, the natural evolution in an OBE is to slowly lose human form and become a globe of consciousness with 360 degree views, he revealed. A lot of concepts surrounding OBEs are false, such as you can lose connection to your physical body if you're out too long, or that negative entities can enter your body while you're astral traveling, he detailed.

Trends Update

First hour guest, trends researcher Gerald Celente said we are heading into a global economic meltdown and inflationary spiral, noting that the price of oil just rose $5 a barrel in one day.

Agribusiness won't be able to afford to ship foods long distances, so there'll be more of an emphasis on buying local, he suggested. Celente predicted this downturn will be worse than the Great Depression, and crime such as kidnappings and robberies will be on the rise.

Bumper Music

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