Communications from the Dead

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Communications from the Dead

About the show

Former hospice chaplain turned researcher Dianne Arcangel spoke about people's communication with the dead-- typically encounters are with deceased relatives or loved ones. Often the deceased return to convey specific messages. In one example she cited, a woman named Beverly was visited by her murdered son who told her where blood evidence could be found to lead to his killer (Beverly later called into the show during the last hour).

In 83% of afterlife encounters the person was very comforted by the experience, even if they were initially startled to see the deceased, Arcangel stated. And interestingly, she noted that in the 13,000 accounts she's reviewed, there have never been any reports of evil or demonic activity. The idea of vengeful spirits is more a media creation than a reality, she observed.

A person that is traumatized or undergoing heavy bereavement could be more open to spiritual experiences, Arcangel has found. On the part of the deceased, someone who was creative and had a strong personality is more likely to make a communication, she said.

Brown Case Update

First hour guest Alex Jones reported on the arrest of tax protestors Ed and Elaine Brown. For more, see this article. Jones also announced the upcoming release of his new video project, Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement.

Bumper Music

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