Bizarre Stories

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Bizarre Stories

About the show

George offered a 'bizarre stories' hotline during Open Lines. Keith in San Antonio got things started by recalling the time a mysterious stranger with a "bloody, open head wound" followed him around the mall. Keith, who was 12 years old at the time, said he tried to tell his parents about the man but they did not believe him. The man was eventually confronted by Keith's father in a movie theater and ran away, Keith said.

A caller from Louisiana claimed to have witnessed the "moon zigzagging back and forth in the sky" in the summer of 2000. She said other neighbors confirmed the bizarre anomaly. The caller said she believes the atmosphere was being manipulated by somebody to make it appear like the moon was moving. Joe in Las Vegas called into the show to inform George that he was the one who first discovered and then took video stills of Bush & the Alien. A few callers also phoned in to talk about shrunken heads and the process of shrinking a human head.

New bin Laden Tape

Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network appeared at the start of the second hour to comment on a purported new video message from al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, as well as a story about 'lost' nuclear bomb.

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During the first hour, Dr. Roger Leir discussed his 13th implant removal surgery. His patient 'Steve' also appeared on the program. According to Leir, the implant located in Steve's knee gave off a strong magnetic field and a radio frequency at 105.718894 MHz. Steve said he thought the implant was used for mind control purposes. Leir estimated as many as 15% of the population may have been abducted by aliens. He also shared several signs that could indicate a person has been abducted.

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Last Night

The Greys & Alien Abduction / Open Lines
The Greys & Alien Abduction / Open Lines
Philip Kinsella, clairvoyant medium and UFO investigator/author, joins Connie Willis (info) for a candid look at the phenomenon of the Greys and alien abduction, which appears to mirror additional bizarre, supernatural occurrences across the world. Followed by Open Lines in the...


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