Zetatalk & Prophecy

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Zetatalk & Prophecy

About the show

During the first half of the show, ET contactee Nancy Lieder returned to present information on Planet X and the 'Zetas.' The Zetas (alien beings from the Zeta Reticuli star system she claims to be in telepathic contact with) are no longer providing her with a specific date for the arrival of Planet X, though she said we'd see a series of signs heralding its entrance into our solar system. Earth wobble, due to the grip Planet X has on Earth, has already been detected, she reported.

Lieder channeled the Zetas while on the air, answering questions placed to them by George and the callers. Among the replies "they" made:

  • The Betty & Barney Hill incident is a true report, though their interaction was with a different species from the Zeta system (there are 127 populated worlds there) than the one which Nancy channels.
  • The Zetas developed large eyes because they hail from a planet that has a rather dim sun.
  • Some of their craft are giant motherships, but because they can bend light rays, we aren't able to see them in our atmosphere.

A hybrid race is being formed between humans and Zetas-- they will have the same life spans as us but won't have fat on their bodies or require sleep, Lieder detailed.In the second half of the program, psychic David Booth made an appearance. He believes we are living during the "last days" as prophesied in the Bible, and such indications as the "mark of the beast" (which he related to the new Real ID act) are upon us.

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