Zarqawi's Nuclear Threat

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Zarqawi's Nuclear Threat

About the show

During the middle two hours, Douglas Hagmann of the Northeast Intelligence Network discussed reports that say al Qaeda terrorist Abu Mousab al Zarqawi has obtained a nuclear device and/or is preparing radiological 'dirty bombs' (made by mixing radioactive material with conventional explosives) for a strike against the United States.

Hagmann believes the U.S. government has released this latest information to prepare its citizens for the next "inevitable" attack. According to Hagmann, Zarqawi may have as many as 20 suitcase nukes (with a 1-to-10 kiloton yield), some of which may already be in America. State sponsorship could also be involved, Hagmann explained, with Iran, China, and Russia contributing in some way to al Qaeda's nuclear capabilities. Intelligence reports indicate Russia is, in fact, missing dozens of suitcase nukes, he said.

Hagmann also pointed out that Zarqawi was stopped at a military checkpoint several months ago, but was not recognized. This was confirmed by government officials off-the-record, he claims. Hagmann noted Zarqawi has not been heard from since the Iraqi elections, and could be somewhere in North America. Despite not knowing Zarqawi's whereabouts, Hagmann believes the U.S. led war on terror has "dented the major leadership of al Qaeda," and will eventually find its founder -- Osama bin Laden.

The last hour of the show featured Open Lines.

Flu Vials Update

In the first hour, investigative reporter Jon Rappoport provided an update on the recent flu vials mishap, in which samples of the deadly 1957 flu virus were sent to thousands of laboratories around the world. The Canadian lab credited with alerting the world about the pandemic flu strain, Rappoport explained, found it only after the virus escaped and contaminated a specimen sample from a human patient. He also said the CDC is now admitting that about two dozen flu samples are unaccounted for and have not been destroyed.

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