UFOs & the Bible

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFOs & the Bible

About the show

The whole UFO area makes no sense "unless you put it into a biblical context," said author Dr. Chuck Missler. His studies have led him to conclude that UFOs are "hyperdimensional" in origin and that the aliens are actually "fallen angels" that have the ability to materialize in deceiving forms.

"You and I are being propelled into a time that the Bible says more about than any time in history," Missler continued. He said that reports of alien abduction and their genetic experimentations were part of a larger plan of deception by evil forces that seek to "contaminate the human race and thwart the plan of God."

It will come down to a "cosmic war" and Missler contends we will all be pawns in it. In the "final battle," he said the world at large will knowingly take up arms against God, because they will be deceived by the coming world leader. Missler said at this point "it's a waste of time" to guess who that leader is, though he believes he is alive now.

Dead Scientists Update

First hour guest Steve Quayle spoke about two new deaths of microbiologists, bringing the total number up to 44, since 2001, he said. Many of the deaths were under suspicious circumstances and the scientists had ties to bioweapon programs, he added. The two scientists who recently passed away were Dr. Michael Patrick Kiley, an expert on Mad Cow and Ebola, and Robert Shope, a virus expert who warned of epidemics.

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