Roots of Terror

Hosted byArt Bell


Roots of Terror

About the show

Special Guest Host Art Bell welcomed returning guest Craig Winn, an author and entrepreneur who has made an in-depth study of terrorism by conducting in-person interviews with such groups as al-Qaeda. The basic message of these Muslim fundamentalists according to Winn, is to "slay the infidels wherever you find them," which includes Christians and Jews, as well as Muslims who don't believe in the Jihad.

"I came to the conclusion that religion is poison," said Winn, who believes it is essential to fully comprehend doctrines such as the Koran in order to understand the roots of terrorism. (His soon-to-be-released manuscript, Prophet of Doom, includes all five Islamic holy books along with his commentary.) In the next ten years an American city will suffer up to a million casualties, he predicted. The cause could be a dirty bomb containing "daughter products" from nuclear reactors such as Cobalt 60 and Strontium 90. A coffee can-sized amount when exploded 200 ft. into the air, could make a city uninhabitable for a hundred years, he said.

Winn asserted that the true motivation behind the recent Iraqi conflict was to "serve political interests," i.e. enhancing Bush's popularity in order to assure his and other Republicans re-election in 2004. Instead of the Iraqi invasion, he suggested that the US should just have taken control of the oil wells. This action, along with cutting off oil money to Arab nations, Winn thinks would stop the funneling of funds into terrorism.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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Art Bell Vault


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