ET Contacts

Hosted byGeorge Noory

ET Contacts

About the show

James Gilliland, the founder of ECETI and the Self Mastery Earth Institute, was the main guest on Monday night. Discussing his ET and interdimensional contacts that occur at his ranch in Trout Lake, Washington, Gilliland said there have been nights when as many as 50 craft have been seen darting around the sky.

He described his encounters with "exquisite looking" Pleiadian beings who "time shift" between their world and ours on ships that "totally align with their occupants." Gilliland, who first communicated with the beings in a meditative state, believes they have come here to help us evolve.

Joining James Gilliland on the program, were UFO researchers Spar Giedeman and Steve Moreno, who have been investigating sightings on the ranch. "James is the continuation of the Billy Meier saga," said Giedeman, who added that he saw a craft in the sky, shortly around the time that Gilliland said they would be there. Of particular interest, were two recent sightings, one of which was of a huge golden globe at close range that was completely silent and moved in an orchestrated pattern.

Interdimensional Mind

Back in 2001, I profiled James Gilliland for an article in After Dark, and we spoke about some of the unusual sightings at his ranch. "When you move into what I call interdimensional mind, you expand beyond your personality and beyond your body. You actually create a doorway for these events to happen or you attract them to you," Gilliland said. Residents of his Institute had been experiencing apparition-like sightings for a number of years, which they associated with their contacts with ascended masters (enlightened spirit guides) such as Babaji whose torso was witnessed as a manifestation over a pond.

Gilliland believes their interactions with the masters opened the gateway for contacts from such evolved ET races as the Pleiadians. "You can't really separate the UFO phenomenon from spiritual phenomenon because they go hand in hand," he said. "The greys and the black budget stuff are just a small piece of the puzzle. There are so many planes and dimensions beyond that where advanced civilizations are interacting with people."

--Lex Lonehood

Monkeypox Outbreak

Steve Quayle appeared in the first hour, commenting on the recent Monkeypox outbreak. He expressed concern that this was a transgenic disease, capable of jumping species, and remarked on its similarity to "mousepox" a human-engineered virus used in Australia to reduce the mouse population. "This may very well be Saddam's revenge," Quayle said, conjecturing that the outbreak could be a bio-weapon attack.

Bumper Music

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