David Weatherly

David Weatherly


David Weatherly is a paranormal investigator and author. For over 35 years he has explored the world of the strange, investigating cases around the country and abroad. He has written and lectured on a diverse range of topics including cryptozoology, ufology and hauntings. David has also studied shamanic and magical traditions with elders from numerous cultures including Europe, Tibet, Native America, and Africa. He has appeared on numerous radio programs including: Darkness Radio, Project White Paper, Haunted South and Paranormal Live. He is a writer for Intrepid Magazine and is the author of "The Black Eyed Children."



Past Shows:

  • TWA Flight 800 / UK Folklore & Creatures

    Jack Cashill discussed TWA Flight 800, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after takeoff in 1996, killing all 230 passengers on board. Followed by tech journalist Charles Christian on folklore, urban myths, and the weird.More »
  • Near Death Encounters/ Haunted Toys & Games

    Dr. Laurin Bellg joined Dave Schrader to discuss near-death experiences. Researchers David Weatherly and Ross Allison talked about haunted toys.More »
  • Predictions & Trends/ Strange Encounters

    In the first half, business consultant and financial writer George Ure updated his accurate predictions, his analysis of the economy, and social trends unfolding this year, as well as his adventures in pre-cognitive dreaming. In the latter half, paranormal researcher David...More »
  • Encounters with Strange Entities

    Host Connie Willis (email) welcomed paranormal researcher David Weatherly for a discussion on encounters with strange entities, which have been reported throughout the ages involving the djinn, shadow people, grinning men, pukwudgies, and black-eyed children. In the first...More »
  • Black-Eyed Children/ UFO Repeaters

    In the first half, author, paranormal investigator, cryptozoologist, and ufologist, David Weatherly, discussed his fascinating work on the Black Eyed Kids (BEK) phenomenon, as well as his investigations into the mysterious Djinn, and the Slenderman meme. In the latter half,...More »
  • Strange Intruders

    Author, and paranormal investigator David Weatherly discussed his fascinating work on the Black Eyed Children phenomenon, and his new research on various entity encounters including the Djinn, Shadow People, and other humanoids such as the Slenderman. In the first hour,...More »
  • Black Eyed Children & Open Lines

    In the first half of the program, George Noory was joined by paranormal investigator David Weatherly, who talked about his fascinating work on the Black Eyed Children phenomenon. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Black Eyed Children

    Filling in for George, Rob Simone (email) welcomed author, paranormal investigator, cryptozoologist, and ufologist, David Weatherly, who delved into his fascinating study of the Black Eyed Children phenomenon. First hour guest, author and filmmaker Jay Weidner shared his...More »

Last Night

Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Demonic Possession / Open Lines
Is evil a metaphor for the bad things people do or does it prowl the earth like a living, breathing entity that possesses the souls of vulnerable humans? Author Ron Felber joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss what some are calling the most frightening book about demonic...
Art Bell Vault


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