Rajiv Parti

Rajiv Parti


Rajiv Parti, M.D. is a specialist in pain management with over 30 years practicing clinical experience and 15 years as Chief of Anesthesiology at Bakersfield Heart Hospital in California, specializing in cardiac anesthesia. Dr. Parti went on to found the Pain Management Institute of California, and under his direction it has served thousands of patients for acute and chronic pain relief. In 2005, Dr. Parti personally encountered the first of a series of life-threatening health challenges, resulting in his own seven-year journey to overcome cancer and manage chronic pain, stress and depression, which led him to explore non-traditional, evidence-based complementary and alternative medicines.

Today, he applies an integrative approach for life balance and well-being, including meditation, Yoga, and color therapies into his medical practice. Dr. Parti stepped down from full time clinical practice in 2010 to concentrate on his own recovery and to write and speak professionally with a new focus: promoting spiritual wellness and personal growth with various non-traditional healing modalities.



Past Shows:

  • A Doctor's NDE/ British Alien Abduction

    In the first half, former chief anesthesiologist at Bakersfield Heart Hospital, Dr. Rajiv Parti, discussed how his own emergency surgery in 2010, resulted in a near-death experience (NDE) that changed his life completely. In the latter half, regression therapist and radio...More »

Last Night

Geoengineering Updates / Palmistry & the Soul
Geoengineering Updates / Palmistry & the Soul
First Half: Activist on geoengineering issues, Matthew Landman will discuss why he believes the flooding in Dubai is a result of weather engineering and how the green agenda is actually harmful to nature, as well as share a report on the first ever sun dimming experiment in the...
Art Bell Vault


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