Elana Freeland

Elana Freeland


Elana Freeland came of political age during the COINTELPRO decade of Vietnam, street riots, political assassinations, and all-night rap sessions about the downfall of the Establishment. Researching Sub Rosa America included discovering how deeply her US Navy father was enmeshed with the very military-industrial complex she was writing about, and like the characters in the book, learning how every major event and personality in the United States political establishment over the past forty years is tied in one way or another to the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas.

She has a BA in creative writing and wrote her Master’s thesis on historiography. Besides ghostwriting books on a variety of subjects, she has just finished a book on chemtrails and HAARP for Feral House Press, due out in spring 2014.



Past Shows:

  • Dangers of Technocracy / Stonehenge & Ancient Mysteries

    Elana Freeland warned of ways technology is used to dominate the planet. Followed by Graham Phillips on Stonehenge and ancient stone circles.More »
  • Economic Paradigm/ Chemtrails & Morgellons

    V, the Guerrilla Economist talked about the state of the economy and geopolitics. Followed by Elana Freeland on the sinister agenda behind chemtrails.More »
  • Weaponizing the Atmosphere

    Richard Syrett welcomed author Elana Freeland, who detailed how the atmosphere of planet Earth is being weaponized via clandestine projects like HAARP and chemtrails. In the first hour, microbiologist Samantha Price discussed the similarities between symptoms of the rabies and...More »

Last Night

Geoengineering Updates / Palmistry & the Soul
Geoengineering Updates / Palmistry & the Soul
First Half: Activist on geoengineering issues, Matthew Landman will discuss why he believes the flooding in Dubai is a result of weather engineering and how the green agenda is actually harmful to nature, as well as share a report on the first ever sun dimming experiment in the...
Art Bell Vault


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