Gerald Epling

Gerald Epling


Gerald Epling is an expert in memory formation. He received his Bachelor's degree in computer science, Master of Science degree in applied cognition and neuroscience, and Doctor of Philosophy degree in cognition and neuroscience from the University of Texas at Dallas. Gerald's work includes research into memory formation, states of consciousness and phenomenal bio-communication. He has 20 years of experience with a wide variety of electronic endeavors including communications, signal detection and exploitation, and optoelectronic instrumentation.



Past Shows:

  • Homeland Security Revelations/ Bio-Communication

    In the first half, Philip Haney, a founding member of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) joined WND editor Art Moore to discuss how after Haney's sterling career at DHS, he was disciplined for investigating potential terrorists and terror-linked Muslims and mosques, ...More »
  • Bio-Communication & Memory

    Doctor of cognition and neuroscience, Gerald Epling, discussed his work on phenomenal bio-communication which measures and records the energy responses to plants in various conditions as well as responses of one life form to another. In the first hour, space historian...More »
  • Plants, Bio-Communication, & Memory

    Scientist and researcher Gerald Epling discussed his work on plants and bio-communication. He's been able to replicate and extend the experiments of Cleve Backster, measuring the responses of one life form to another. Epling's experiments have shown that plants can respond to...More »

Last Night

Geoengineering Updates / Palmistry & the Soul
Geoengineering Updates / Palmistry & the Soul
First Half: Activist on geoengineering issues, Matthew Landman will discuss why he believes the flooding in Dubai is a result of weather engineering and how the green agenda is actually harmful to nature, as well as share a report on the first ever sun dimming experiment in the...
Art Bell Vault


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