
Most Recent - UFOs & Aerial Phenomena

Pentagon Officially Releases Trio of 'Historical' UFO Videos
Pentagon Officially Releases Trio of 'Historical' UFO Videos
The Department of Defense has officially released the three videos of unidentified flying objects which have captivated the UFO research community and generated considerable media attention for the last two years.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: UFO Exits Volcano in Mexico?
Watch: UFO Exits Volcano in Mexico?
An odd video from Mexico seemingly shows a UFO exiting out of the country's largest volcano.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Former Director of France's Foreign Intelligence Agency Discusses UFOs
Former Director of France's Foreign Intelligence Agency Discusses UFOs
The former director of France's foreign intelligence agency recently shared some rather remarkable thoughts on the UFO phenomenon.
Top SecretUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 4/19/20
Knapp's News 4/19/20
George Knapp shares a number of items of recent interest including a piece on the strange history of UFOs.
Current Events/EconomyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: UFO Landing Caught on Film?
Watch: UFO Landing Caught on Film?
A puzzling piece of footage from Colombia appears to show a mysterious object hovering in the sky before slowly landing in a forest.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: Trio of UFOs Filmed in Siberia
Watch: Trio of UFOs Filmed in Siberia
An intriguing video from Siberia shows a trio of white orbs seemingly hovering in a triangular formation in the sky.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: Odd Trio of UFOs Filmed by Dashcam in South Korea
Watch: Odd Trio of UFOs Filmed by Dashcam in South Korea
An intriguing dashcam video from a driver in South Korea shows a trio of lights mysteriously appear in the night sky before vanishing into thin air.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: Soccer Star Spots 'UFO'
Watch: Soccer Star Spots 'UFO'
A retired soccer star in England sparked something of a stir on social media last week when he shared a strange video of a mysterious glowing light that he spotted in the night sky.
Pop CultureUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 3/29/20
Knapp's News 3/29/20
George Knapp shared a number of recent items of interest.
Current Events/EconomySupernatural & ParanormalUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Flying Humanoid Filmed in Arizona?
Flying Humanoid Filmed in Arizona?
A strange video from Arizona shows a puzzling object floating in the sky and some observers suspect that it could be a flying humanoid.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Cluster of UFOs Spotted in Washington
Cluster of UFOs Spotted in Washington
A curious video filmed in Washington state seems to show a cluster of UFOs hovering in the night sky in a fashion eerily similar to a case from Texas earlier this month.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
NASA Debunks 'Ezekiel's Wheel' UFO
NASA Debunks 'Ezekiel's Wheel' UFO
In a rather surprising turn of events, NASA has come forward to debunk a purported UFO spotted by anomaly hunters and making the rounds online.
Science, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Video: Cluster of UFOs Spotted in Texas
Video: Cluster of UFOs Spotted in Texas
An odd video filmed in Texas shows a curious cluster of UFOs hovering in the night sky.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: Strange Key-Shaped UFO Spotted in Massachusetts
Watch: Strange Key-Shaped UFO Spotted in Massachusetts
A weird video filmed in Massachusetts shows a strange key-shaped UFO that left witnesses convinced they were seeing something alien in the sky.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: Odd UFO Filmed in Brazil
Watch: Odd UFO Filmed in Brazil
A curious piece of footage from Brazil shows a strange unidentified flying object which bears an uncanny resemblance to a jellyfish.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
UFO Researcher's Congressional Bid Comes Up Short in California
UFO Researcher's Congressional Bid Comes Up Short in California
A prominent UFO researcher's bid for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives has come to an end following Tuesday's primary election in California.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Planned Museum Exhibit Will Honor Legendary Ufologist Stanton Friedman
Planned Museum Exhibit Will Honor Legendary Ufologist Stanton Friedman
The life and work of legendary UFO researcher Stanton Friedman will be celebrated later this year by way of an exhibit at a museum in Canada.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Survey Finds 61% of Americans Want the Government to Declassify UFO Files
Survey Finds 61% of Americans Want the Government to Declassify UFO Files
A recently conducted survey regarding UFOs found that a whopping 61% of Americans would like the government to declassify its files on the phenomenon.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: Odd UFO Filmed in California
Watch: Odd UFO Filmed in California
A curious piece of footage from California appears to show a perfectly round object hovering in the sky over some houses and no one can quite figure out what it was.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Video: Odd Rings Appear in Russian Sky
Video: Odd Rings Appear in Russian Sky
A curious piece of footage out of Russia appears to show a pair of puzzling rings that appeared in the sky and then seemingly multiplied.
Mysteries & AnomaliesUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Watch: Pilot Films Odd UFO Over Utah
Watch: Pilot Films Odd UFO Over Utah
A curious piece of footage filmed by a pilot flying over Utah's Zion National Park shows an odd unidentified flying object hovering in the sky below the aircraft.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 1/26/20
Knapp's News 1/26/20
George Knapp shared recent items of his interest, including the discovery of a 'lost city':
Ancient WorldCurrent Events/EconomyMysteries & AnomaliesScience, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 1/19/20
Knapp's News 1/19/20
George Knapp shares recent items of his interest, including his interview with Luis Elizondo on ufology.
Science, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
UFO Researcher Running for Congress
UFO Researcher Running for Congress
A prominent UFO researcher who has long discussed mysterious incursions by the phenomenon at nuclear facilities is running for a U.S. House of Representatives seat in California.
Current Events/EconomyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Discusses UFOs
Democratic Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg Discusses UFOs
South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg joined what has become a growing list of Democratic presidential candidates to weigh in on the UFO phenomenon when he was recently asked about the subject during an interview.
Current Events/EconomyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Video: Triangular UFO Filmed in Texas
Video: Triangular UFO Filmed in Texas
A woman in Texas spotted something far more fantastic than mere fireworks this past New Year's Eve when she noticed an eerie triangular formation of lights hovering in the sky.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Democratic Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Discusses UFOs
Democratic Presidential Candidate Amy Klobuchar Discusses UFOs
Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar is the latest 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to address the UFO phenomenon.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Abductee Interviews
Abductee Interviews
Have you been abducted by aliens and would you be willing to talk about your experience?
ExtraterrestrialUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
C2C's Top UFO Stories of 2019
C2C's Top UFO Stories of 2019
The UFO phenomenon had something of a banner year in 2019 as the subject received a considerable amount of attention from the mainstream media, the United States government, and the public at large.
UFOs & Aerial Phenomena

Last night

UAP Revelations / Haunting of Ashmore Estates
UAP Revelations / Haunting of Ashmore Estates
First Half: Former intelligence official David Grusch recently revealed details regarding a modestly-sized recovered UAP that could alter time and space to appear "the size of a football field" when viewed from inside. Researcher and experiencer Whitley Strieber joins George...
Art Bell Vault


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