Mass Alien Abduction / Area 51 & FBI Raid

Mass Alien Abduction / Area 51 & FBI Raid


Hosted byGeorge Knapp

First Half: Certified hypnotherapist, abduction researcher, and Director of CERO (Close Encounter Resource Organization), Yvonne Smith, joins George Knapp to discuss a true story of the Coronado "mass" alien abduction she discovered through hypnosis sessions. She'll also preview her talk at Contact in the Desert featuring C2C's George Noory and George Knapp.

Second Half: In 2022, FBI agents raided the home of Joerg Arnu, the owner of a popular website that claims to reveal secrets about Area 51 called Arnu, along with his wife Linda, who was present during the raid, share an update on their lives since being raided. He'll also discuss his recent research into Area 51 and what is currently going on at the "secret" base.



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