Alternative Health / The Effect of NDEs in Children

Alternative Health / The Effect of NDEs in Children


Hosted byGeorge Noory

In the first half, registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. Responding to a question about the value of drinking alkalized water to make the body more alkaline, he suggested an easier approach-- SDR breathing-- slow, deep, rhythmic breathing. Oxygen is alkaline, while carbon dioxide (which you are blowing out) is acidic, he explained, and not only will this breathing practice make the blood more alkaline, but it also has a calming effect. Unfortunately, "we have medicalized health. We have made it so we that we have to go to authorities outside of us, in order to not only understand our body but to help our body get better. It's not true," he said, with things like breathing, nutrition, and muscle relaxation, we can take back our health.

Another way to combat various health challenges including diabetes is to stabilize your blood sugar with nutrition and food (such as going ketogenic or eating more protein and fewer carbohydrates), he outlined. Helpful supplements for this include the minerals chromium, magnesium, and selenium, as well as niacin (Vitamin B3). Fuchs also praised NAC, which is considered both a drug and a nutrient-- it has excellent detoxification qualities, and is good for lung and respiratory health. To get the most benefit from consuming garlic, he recommended exposing it to air after it's been cut up, as this helps activate some of its medicinal qualities.


A near-death experience researcher for over 30 years, PMH Atwater's contributions to the NDE field are considered some of the best, and her findings have been verified in clinical studies. In the latter half, she discussed a groundbreaking study she conducted on the lifelong effects of near-death experiences in babies, toddlers, and children up to age five. She interviewed nearly 400 of these experiencers both mature and some still in their youth and discovered some surprising data. Because these individuals were so young when they had these profound occurrences, they did not have the same before/after perspective that adults formulate around the experience. She found that the respondents were often more intelligent and creative than average, and the younger they were when they had the NDE, the higher their intelligence quotient.

Yet around 61% of the people in her study were negative about the NDE because "growing up and finding their place in life was just too difficult." 90% of the kids had some trouble bonding with their parents, as after their NDE they tend to think differently than their family members, she explained. Among their shared traits, she continued, were psychic intuition, deeper empathy, strong independence, non-linear thinking, and vivid dreams. Yet, many turned to alcohol and drug use in their struggle to figure out what to do with their lives, as they grew older. Some of the respondents experience synesthesia, in which their senses blend or mix in unusual ways (though Atwater didn't have her own NDEs as a child, she grew up with this ability and was able to "smell color, see music, and hear numbers"). As part of their feeling of not fitting in, 74% of the people in her study had some suicidal ideation at some point after the NDE.

News segment guests: Randy Sutton, Mish Shedlock



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