Benjamin Fuchs

Benjamin Fuchs


Benjamin Fuchs is a registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist and has been compounding custom medication, formulating nutritional and skin care products and consulting with doctors and patients since graduating from the University Of Colorado School Of Pharmacy in 1986. Mr. Fuchs is recognized nationally for his work as the on-air pharmacist/nutritionist host of the “The Bright Side” radio program.


Past Shows:

  • Natural Health / Great Lakes Shipwrecks

    First Half: Pharmacist Ben Fuchs will share natural health remedies and the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that our bodies need to maintain good health. Second Half: Journalist, author, former television news reporter and historian Ric Mixter discusses the greatest shipwrecks...More »
  • Alternative Health / Other Side Communications

    First Half: Registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, Ben Fuchs shares alternative health concepts, and offers tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. Second Half: Author and spiritual medium, Hollister Rand, has provided...More »
  • Strengthening the Immune System / The Pandemic & Remote Viewing

    Ben Fuchs shared methods to strengthen one's immune system. Followed by Ed Dames on the remote viewed cause of the pandemic and how it will play out.More »
  • Alternative Health / ETs, Jesus, & Malevolent Entities

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Jeffrey Daugherty on UFO and ET imagery associated with Jesus.More »
  • Alternative Health / Unknown Christmas

    Pharmacist Benjamin Fuchs shared tips on alternative health and supplements. Followed by author Charles Reichblum with facts you never knew about Christmas.More »
  • Alternative Health / AI & Life Extension

    Benjamin Fuchs shared tips on supplementation and health. Followed by transhumanist Vincent Peters on AI and life extension.More »
  • Alternative Health / The Effect of NDEs in Children

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by PMH Atwater on her study of NDEs in children.More »
  • Alternative Health / Communicating with the Other Side

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Matt Fraser on his communications with the departed.More »
  • Alternative Health Tips / Palmistry & Predictions

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Vernon Mahabal on palm reading and predictions.More »
  • Alternative Health / Ancient Mysteries & Relics

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Scott Wolter on enigmas and ancient mysteries.More »
  • Alternative Health / Hemp in America

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Jen Hobbs on the many benefits of hemp.More »
  • Alternative Health / Witchcraft & Tarot

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Sabrina Scott on her practice of witchcraft and tarot.More »
  • Alternative Health / ET Contacts & UFOs

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Paola Harris on cases of alien contact.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Oak Island Mystery

    Benjamin Fuchs shared updates on diet, supplementation, and alternative health ideas. Followed by Randall Sullivan on the Oak Island mystery.More »
  • Alternative Health News/ Channeled Guidance

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared health and supplement suggestions. Followed by Paul Selig, who channels guides of higher consciousness.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Magical Plants & Witchcraft

    Ben Fuchs discussed alternative health news. Followed by "arcane horticulturist" Amy Blackthornon witchcraft and aromatherapy.More »
  • Health Information/ Messages from Beyond

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed health information and supplements. Followed by Karen Noe on her communications with the late Wayne Dyer.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Maori Cosmology

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Laird Scranton on Maori cosmology and the work of Velikovsky.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Montezuma's Lost Treasure

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Paul Rimmasch on Montezuma's lost treasure.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Trauma Recovery

    Ben Fuchs shares alternative health concepts. Followed by Dr. Laurie Nadel on ways to respond to traumas and disasters.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Psychic Profiler

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared nutrition tips and supplement suggestions. Followed by Robbie Thomas on his work as a psychic criminal profiler.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Nature of Intuition

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts and suggestions. Followed by Bill Bennett on the power of intuition.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Numerology Forecasts

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by numerologist Glynis McCantson what she sees in store for world events and leaders.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Exploring the Afterlife

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health tips. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini on his explorations of the afterlife.More »
  • Alternative Health/ Planet Nibiru

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Bob Fletcher discussed the latest evidence for the rogue Planet X or Nibiru.More »
  • Alternative Health Tips/ Seth Messages

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Mark Allen Frost on his communications with the spirit "Seth."More »
  • Alternative Health/ Search for ETs

    Pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts. Followed by Jill Tarter and Sarah Scoles on the ongoing search for ET signals.More »
  • Alternative Health Tips/ Reptilian Gods

    Ben Fuchs shared alternative health concepts and tips. Jeffrey Daugherty revealed biblical references to reptilian gods.More »
  • Mysterious Radio Bursts & Underground Pyramid

    Linda Moulton Howe delved into mysterious radio bursts, coral reef die offs, and a huge underground pyramid. Pharmacist Ben Fuchs offered health tips.More »
  • Alternative Health/ JFK Assassination & E. Howard Hunt

    Pharmacist Benjamin Fuchs shared alternative health tips. Followed by Saint John Hunt on the JFK assassination, and his father E. Howard Hunt.More »
  • Health & Supplements/ Future of the Car

    In the first half, Ben Fuchs, a registered pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist, shared alternative health concepts, and offered tips on supplements and healthy changes to one's diet and lifestyle. In the latter half, the host of Popular Science Radio and automotive...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Strange & Unexplained

    In the first half, registered pharmacist, and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs offered suggestions on supplements, and making healthy changes to one's diet. In the latter half, author and paranormal aficionado Jim Harold shared his latest stories from the world of the strange and...More »
  • Natural Supplementation/ Irish Mythology & Psychopaths

    In the first half, pharmacist and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs offered tips on diet and supplementation in order to combat various physical ailments and health problems. Author Thomas Sheridan detailed what he discovered about psychopaths, and also shared his research on...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Strange-but-True Tales

    In the first half, registered pharmacist and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs discussed nutritional and health supplements, and alternative approaches to many medical problems. In the latter half, author Robert Damon Schneck, a longtime chronicler of the weird and unexplained,...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Psychic Predictions

    In the first half, registered pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed the latest in health information and alternative treatments, and tackled callers questions about various ailments. In the latter half, psychic and energy healer Elizabeth Joyce reviewed her remarkable track record...More »
  • Alternative Rx/ Open Lines

    In the first half of the show, pharmacist, nutritionist and cosmetic chemist Benjamin Fuchs advocated for the strategic use of nutritional supplementation to maintain health and vitality, In the latter half, George presented 'Midweek' Open Lines with callers reacting to...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Crop Circle Revelations

    In the first half, registered pharmacist Ben Fuchs discussed the latest in health information and natural approaches. In the latter half, crop circle researcher Patty Greer who has visited more than 100 unusual formations, shared some of her experiences and conclusions, as...More »
  • Alternative Health, Supplements, & Diet

    Registered pharmacist Ben Fuchs shared the latest in health information and treatments, as well as current trends in medicine, and the good vs bad of diet fads. Last hour guest, astro-economist Mitchell Scott Lewis discussed the astrological connection with the Shemitah...More »
  • Health News/ Psychic Experiences

    In the first half of the program, registered pharmacist and nutritionist Ben Fuchs offered analysis on the latest developments in health news, supplementation, and treatments. In the latter half, psychic Linda Salvin detailed her work communicating with the Other Side, the...More »
  • Alternative Health/ Inside Hollywood

    In the first half, registered pharmacist and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs discussed alternatives to prescription drugs, such as foods, nutritional supplements, and physical strategies to better treat diseases and maintain well being. In the latter half, author and writer...More »
  • Pharmaceutical Malaise/ Atomic Iran

    In the first half of the program, pharmacist and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs discussed the dangers of prescription drugs and what we can do to avoid becoming another tragic statistic. In the latter half, author and columnist Jerome Corsi provided an update on Iran's ongoing...More »
  • Burroughs' UFO Injury, ET Slides & Alien Abduction

    Earthfiles investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, shared important news about the implications of John Burroughs's full VA medical coverage related to an injury caused by unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) in Rendlesham Forest in 1980, details about the 1947 color slides...More »
  • Health & Disease/ Secret American Archaeology

    In the first half, pharmacist and nutritionist Benjamin Fuchs addressed such topics as prescription deaths, contradictory health recommendations, the problem with the western medical model, and what's behind chronic diseases. For more than 25 years Carl Lehrburger has...More »

Last Night

Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
Election Transparency/ Power of Meditation
John Brakey and Tim White shared methods for ensuring transparent and verifiable election voting results. Followed by Bob Roth on the value of meditation.
Art Bell Vault


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