Astrological Palmistry

Astrological Palmistry


Hosted byJohn B. Wells

Filling in for George Noory, John B. Wells welcomed astrological palmist, Vernon Mahabal, who discussed the science behind reading hands, and some of the surprising things his reads have revealed to him. Mahabal said he was introduced to palmistry by a man who read palms on the streets of East Village, New York City. "I was completely amazed by how much information, knowledge and psychological analysis he was able to give people with just a five or six minute scan of their hand," he recalled. The palm of the hand actually contains an entire astrological chart, Mahabel explained, noting how the science of palmistry combines astrology with intuition, and is the most accurate of all divinatory tools.

A palmist looks at both hard astrological data and psychic impressions from the hand, he continued. According to Mahabel, the science of palmistry is able to accurately ascertain a person's true career calling, where one should live, and even what type of person an individual is emotionally. A palmist can completely change a person's life, so one must be discriminating about who he or she goes to for a reading, he warned. Mahabel dispelled a common myth about the palm's life line, pointing out that it describes sensuality/sexuality, not longevity. He also shared what he has been seeing in the palms of those who visit him for readings.

Every hand is showing a Mars aspect, Mahabel disclosed. This trend means America as a whole is going through a challenging time, where those who have been knocked down must learn to lick their wounds and get up again, he said. Mahabel expects this period to last until 2015 and the country to emerge stronger than before. There will be a shift to a more entrepreneurial and agrarian way of life, with numerous people opting to own farms and businesses, Mahabel predicted. There will be a rise in spirituality as well, he added. Mahabel also claimed to have performed palm readings on reptilians, or rakshasas, who he believes comprise about 5% of the world's population. They have no empathy and hate us for our ability to love, but their time is up, he announced.

Open Lines

The last 90 minutes of the program featured Open Lines. Carol from Oceanside, California, recalled the time a palm reader shocked her with a forecast of "something horrible" happening to her children. Not long after receiving this horrifying prediction, a car accident left one of her sons in a coma, Carol said. Thankfully, the palm reader also told her that everything would turn out, and Carol's boy reawakened one day to make a full recovery. Vincent, a self-described reptilian-pleiadian living in Sedona, Arizona, reported witnessing a Black Hawk helicopter get taken and returned by a UFO. According to Vincent, the helicopter snatching was also seen by three other people. Mike from Florida said it was possible to call a flying saucer into the desert by using light of a particular design, though he was unable to provide further details of that process.



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