Experiments with Intention

Experiments with Intention


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Senior Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, Dr. Dean Radin, discussed various experiments related to consciousness including a new one on the power of intention as related to food. There are various types of mind-matter interactions in which intention can affect such things as living beings, energy, space, electric devices, and water, he outlined.

Humans derive coherent energy from food, and Radin set up an experiment to see if meditators could enhance the power of what we eat. They sent their intention towards a cache of Hawaiian Vintage Chocolate (and an electric device placed near the chocolate), thinking that those who'd consume it would have increased energy, vitality and well being. Radin reported that there was a statistically significant effect of better moods in the groups who'd eaten the meditated-upon chocolate (and the chocolate near the electric device) versus the control group who ate the regular type sold by the company.

Such effects, he noted, suggest what we know about nutrition is not complete and that food could be enhanced to be more energetically nutritious. Radin also spoke about working with Dr. Masaru Emoto to replicate some of his studies with water crystals. Their collaborative experiment revealed that crystals produced from water bottles that had been meditated upon were more attractive to the eye, than those that had not received attention from the meditators.

Alan Corbeth Returns

First half-hour guest, Alan Corbeth discussed his return to Coast to Coast AM as a part-time Producer. He touched on his long history working with Art Bell, and said he'll now be focusing on developing new guests for George, Art and Ian.

Bumper Music

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