Demonic Entities

Demonic Entities


Hosted byGeorge Noory

"I think everything is haunted," spirits are all around us, said Atlanta-based medium Chip Coffey in his debut on the show. However, his work with negative entities has been increasing at an alarming rate.In his on-site investigations he often brings along a demonologist such as Andrew Calder, an ordained Episcopal priest, to help deal with human and non-human demonic beings.

Coffey recently wrote a story for the Haunted Times regarding the possibility that Mark David Chapman was influenced by demonic entities when he killed John Lennon. Appearing during the second hour, "Maria Simpson," who personally knew Chapman, shared her account. In the 1970's, in Decatur, Georgia, Chapman was helpful to her daughter at camp, and subsequently became acquainted with their family. At the time he seemed like "a fine young man," though a bit depressed, she said.

Concurrently, there was a haunting in her home and herdaughter became oppressed by a dark spirit. It has been theorized that this same spirit may have attached itself to Chapman who subsequently claimed that he underwent a self-induced exorcism in which demons escaped out of his mouth.The best defense against negative entities, Coffey later commented, is to hold strongly to some type of faith.

Boston Bomb Scare

First hour guest, intelligence expert Douglas Hagmann reacted to a bomb scare in Boston caused by blinking electronic devices (which turned out to be part of a cable TV promotion). Law enforcement's handling of the situation was commendable, but the media may have over-hyped the situation, he commented.

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