Future Upheaval

Future Upheaval


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Scholar of ancient prophecy, 'American Monk' Steven Hairfield shared his future visions involving geologic upheaval, climate change, war and terrorist attacks. Combining his own intuition with insights gleaned from ancient texts and traditions, such as those of the Hopi and the Maya, he offered the following predictions:

  • Islamic factors will flare up in the Middle East in June 2007, with nuclear devices being involved.
  • Israel is going to attack Iran, and the situation in Iraq will worsen.
  • There will be a terrorist attack somewhere in the "heartland" of America, late spring or summer of 2007.
  • The Northwest will continue to be inundated with huge storms. The West Coast will also be hit with storms, with flooding in Southern California, this year.
  • A major quake on the East Coast will come before one in Los Angeles.
  • A large number of tornadoes will occur in unexpected places during late Feb. or March 2007.
  • Hawaii will be hit by tsunamis coming from two directions.
  • Hurricanes could start affecting Europe.
  • There will be a flare up with North Korea. Bolivia could also have unrest.

Despite the oncoming calamities he foresees, Hairfield believes that the notion of 'end times' is a "human illusion" and that the concept is used to instill fear into people. He cited the Hopi legend of the Blue Sun as a time of peace and healing that follows after the difficult events humanity is facing.

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