Cells & Healing

Cells & Healing


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Scientist and healing facilitator Joyce Hawkes discussed tools for healing that allow the mind to influence biology. A biophysicist trained in hard science, her path changed after she had a near death experience in 1976. She embarked on an exploration of healing techniques in countries such as India and the Philippines, which contributed to the development of what she calls "Cell-Level Healing."

The molecules of the body are a part of our consciousness, and can be seen as sacred in themselves, she said. If someone had a problem in their pancreas, for example, she'd focus on the cells in the pancreas, rather than the organ itself, explained Hawkes, who's been a healer for the last 22 years. She suggested a healing meditation people can practice on themselves-- visualizing a gold light, spiraling deep into each cell, spinning down right into the cell's mitochondria.

She described one healing that she remotely performed on a woman in Conn. with swollen limbs. At the end of the hour, her pain was gone, and curiously, the woman said that during the healing, the face on her Rolex watch turned cloudy, and an unaffectionate cat became friendly. Hawkes also told of having her brain waves tested at Nihon University in Japan while she conducted a healing-- the tests showed a unique pattern that included delta & beta waves.

Mars Update

First half-hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission commented on a report that NASA may have killed Martian microbes. While he finds no evidence to support the theory that the Viking probes accidentally killed off unrecognized life 30 years ago, he believes that in 2007, NASA will make a significant announcement about life on Mars.

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