BSE Theory

BSE Theory


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Making his first appearance on C2C, ecologist and organic farmer, Mark Purdey shared his theory on BSE (Mad Cow Disease). Through his studies, he has concluded the illness is actually caused by levels of metal micro-crystals in the environment that bind up with prion proteins to form a crystal structure in the brain "that is the hallmark of the disease." Further, he said metallic particles in Great Britain were radioactive from the Chernobyl nuclear fallout.

Organophosphates used in insecticide products are another environmental factor in the disease, Purdey noted.But the cattle feed explanation behind BSE is a red herring, as thousands of cows came down with the disease after the feed was banned in Britain, he said. His views, which have pitted him against both mainstream science as well as global corporations, have made him a controversial figure, and he detailed various harassment he's faced such as mysterious fires at his home and farm.

Black Triangle Update

In the first half of the show Colm Kelleher of the National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS) discussed his organization's recently published report on the Flying Triangle phenomenon, which includes an extensive database of sightings in the U.S. and Canada since 2000. The "football field-sized" craft, are generally very brightly lit and float silently, he detailed. Curiously, they have often been seen flying over crowded Interstate highways at night, "almost like a display," said Kelleher. The craft have been reported to be of two types, one a wedge shape, the other a perfect triangle, he added.

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