Psychic Predictions

Psychic Predictions


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Internationally known psychic Joe Jacobs returned to the show offering new predictions for the rest of 2004 and for 2005. He sees October 2004 as a troublesome time for the United States, which may be related to the appearance of disease, possibly biochemical in nature. The year 2005 will see an increase in medical problems, he said, with mounting health issues taxing our hospitals. There will also be difficulties in '05 related to water, with increased flooding as well as security problems in ports, Jacobs stated.

He sees Bush being re-elected, though there will be reports of voting machine tampering. The whereabouts of Osama bin Laden will be "finalized" in the next 2-3 months, he said, and the US economy will be on a "roller coaster" for another year, with this November seeing a hike in energy prices.

Jacobs also touched on the problem of fraudulent psychics, such as the ones who say they can remove a curse for certain amounts of money. These people can be clever manipulators, he said, and he suggested to avoid such psychics that tell you they have the power "rather than empowering you."

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