Messages from Spirit

Messages from Spirit


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Hans King, an internationally acclaimed direct voice medium, returned to the show to share his perceptions garnered from spirit. Working with four master guides (and the spirit of a little girl) King said he incorporates their knowledge from the other side into his readings and commentaries.

There are many people that "walk in two dimensions at the same time," he stated. Such people are often troubled because they hear voices and experience other unusual phenomena. Because of this, many are diagnosed as having mental illness. But King estimated that 65% of those who hear voices are actually receiving communications from spirits rather than suffering from mental problems.

King concurred with recent reports of a coming ice age, and said that within 7-10 years we will see significant climate change, which will be particularly harsh to Canada. However he does not see changes of any kind arriving in 2012, the year that many are concerned about due to the end of the Mayan calendar. King also touched on his contact with deceased celebrities. "It wasn't suicide," he said of Marilyn Monroe. Jim Morrison, while dead, didn't die at the time that was reported. And yes, Elvis has indeed left the building. Interestingly, King said that "severe mourning" actually hurts those on the other side, as they don't wish to be the cause of loved ones' unhappiness.

La Palma Collapse

Geophysicist Steven Ward appeared in the first half-hour of Thursday's show to discuss the potential collapse of La Palma (one of the Canary Islands). Brought on by a volcanic eruption, the ensuing landslide would be 10 miles long-- larger than Manhattan Island, said Ward. This would set off a gigantic tsunami, that by the time it hit the East Coast of the US, it would still be 80-100 ft. high, Ward noted. Events such as these happen around once every 10,000 years, and Ward believes the US faces greater dangers from landslides closer to home, which while smaller could still cause significant damage. For more on the La Palma collapse check out this BBC Horizon report.

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