New Energy Concepts

New Energy Concepts


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Dr. Eugene Mallove, the President of the nonprofit New Energy Foundation, shared his ideas on radical forms of energy, that surpass current alternatives such as solar and wind power.

One of these, he said, is cold fusion, which he first became familiar with in 1989 when Drs. Fleischmann and Pons announced their groundbreaking research. The non-polluting process, if properly developed could yield the equivalent of 300 gallons of gasoline from a mere gallon of water Mallove noted. More info on this type of "low energy nuclear reaction" is available at

He also discussed "vacuum" or "aether" energy which is similar to the idea of Zero Point Energy---a limitless source of free energy that is all around us, if technology can be developed to tap into it. Interestingly, Mallove said that it is not the Big Oil companies that are seeking to suppress research. Rather it is the "academic stupidity" of establishment scientists who refuse to validate the new energy findings, and thus discourage potential venture capitalists.

Lunar Real Estate

First hour guest, entrepreneur Dennis Hope discussed his business of selling Moon real estate, which he has done since 1980, when he took out a claim on the moon and other bodies in the solar system. While Hope's land claims are controversial he said his company has brought in $7 million in gross revenues over the last 23 years. A one acre plot on the moon sells for $21.50, for instance. Hope said he has backed an X Prize participant, that he hopes will land on the moon and plant his flag for him. Ultimately, he plans to create a "galactic government" that would make legal his real estate deals.

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