James Wasserman

James Wasserman is a lifelong student of religion and spiritual development. His numerous books reflect these interests. His writings and editorial efforts maintain a focus on spirituality, creative mythology, secret societies, history, religion, and politics. He is a passionate advocate of individual liberty. An admirer of the teachings of Aleister Crowley, he has played a key role in numerous seminal publications of the Crowley corpus. He is also an adherent of the founding philosophy of the American Republic and its design of limited government and maximum personal autonomy.



Past Shows:

  • Mysterious Origins/ Knights Templar & Gnosticism

    Gregg Braden explored the mysteries of human origins. Followed by James Wasserman on the Knights Templar and other esoteric groups.More »
  • Ancient Giants/ Occult Quest

    In the first half, fossil restorationist Joe Taylor talked about ancient evidence for giants, his creationist views, and the fossils of large creatures. In the latter half, author James Wasserman discussed the importance of the spiritual quest, the occult practices of Aleister...More »
  • Restoring U.S./ Occult & Secret Societies

    In the first half, lecturer and commentator Charles Goyette spoke about the fractured American Dream, and how our freedom and prosperity can be restored. It's been 52 months since the recession began, and the worst may be yet to come, he warned. In the latter half, author...More »

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