Gary Heseltine

Gary Heseltine is a serving British police detective with over 22 years service and in 2002 founded the PRUFOS (Police Reporting UFO Sightings) database which caters for serving and retired British police UFO sighting reports. He has amassed over 500 cases involving more than 1,100 British police officers. Heseltine was the former editor of the online publication UFO as well as the former co-editor of UFO Data magazine. In Washington DC in 2010 he was awarded the 'Disclosure Award' by Steve Bassett's PRG group.


Past Shows:

  • Concerns Over 5G Tech / Police UFO Sightings

    Magda Hava warned about the dangers of 5G wireless technology. Followed by Gary Heseltine, who reported on police sightings of UFOs.More »
  • Police UFO Sightings / Open Lines

    Filling in for George Noory, Rob Simone (email) welcomed British police detective Gary Heseltine for a discussion on UFO sightings by law enforcement officers in the United Kingdom. Open Lines followed.More »

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