David M. Jacobs

David M. Jacobs

David Jacobs, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of History at Temple University specializing in twentieth century American history and culture. He began researching the controversy over unidentified flying objects in America in the mid 1960s, and has amassed over 35 years of primary research data and analytical hypotheses on the subject. Dr. Jacobs has written and delivered many articles, papers, and addresses on the subject of UFO abduction, and has been a consultant to the major UFO organizations. In recent years he has concentrated on ascertaining the proper methodological techniques for the hypnosis and therapy of abductees.



Past Shows:

  • Whistleblowers & the Secret Space Program

    Exopolitics pioneer Michael Salla joined Jimmy Church (email) to discuss whistleblowers and the secret space program. In the first hour, retired professor of history at Temple University and ET researcher David Jacobs revealed the disturbing alien agenda to control humanity.More »
  • ET Hybrids/ Megalithic Mysteries

    In the first half of the program, alien abduction researcher Dr. David Jacobs discussed how incidents of alien abductions have accelerated along with occurrences of alien involvement in everyday human life, as if a silent and insidious invasion is underway. In the later...More »
  • Exorcisms & Possession

    Guest host Connie Willis (email) welcomed Bishop James Long, who was consecrated to the Episcopacy within the old Catholic church, for a discussion on the true nature of demonic possession, and exorcisms. During the first hour, alien abduction expert Dr. David Jacobs talked...More »
  • Alien Abduction Phenomena/ Technology & Innovations

    In the first half, Prof. David M. Jacobs, spoke about his decades long research into the alien abduction phenomenon, and the conclusions he's drawn. He outlined his early interest in UFO sightings, and how he focused on alien abductions after he met Budd Hopkins. In the...More »
  • ET Hybrids / Ultraterrestrials

    In the first half of the show, alien abduction researcher Dr. David Jacobs joined George Knapp for a discussion on ET hybrids as well as the recent attacks on his work. In the latter half of the program, Ufologist Philip Imbrogno talked about his theory of...More »
  • Abductions & Hybrids

    Appearing during the first two hours, abduction researcher David Jacobs discussed alien hybrids. "The evidence, to me, is not just compelling, it's relatively overwhelming," he said about the latest developments in his research into the hybrid phenomenon. Looking at the...More »
  • Alien Abduction Update

    Prof. David M. Jacobs gave an update on alien abduction and ufology during the first half of the program. Calling UFOs virtual "abduction machines," he said that the aliens' global program has grown exponentially since it began sometime in the late 19th century.More »
  • UFO Abduction

    Historian David Jacobs (ufoabduction.com) highlighted some of the key events and theories that surround the subject of UFOs and alien abductions. Leading abduction researcher Budd Hopkins also joined in during the first part of the conversation.More »

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