Richard C. Hoagland

Richard C. Hoagland

Richard C. Hoagland is a former space science museum curator; a former NASA consultant, and during the historic Apollo Missions to the Moon, was science advisor to Walter Cronkite and CBS News. For over 20 years, Hoagland has been leading an outside scientific team in a critically acclaimed independent analysis of possible intelligently-designed artifacts on Mars. Richard and his team's investigations have been quietly extended to include over 30 years of previously hidden data from NASA, Soviet, and Pentagon missions to the Moon.



Past Shows:

  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 5/25/01 when NASA released a new picture of the Face on Mars. Richard C. Hoagland joined the show to discuss the new image and another NASA cover-up.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere In Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere In Time journeyed back to March 28, 1996, for a night of Open Lines about the Freemen patriot group in Montana, as well as an interview with Richard C. Hoagland about how Russian images of the moon show more than a barren, dead lunar surface.More »
  • Moon Landing Conspiracy

    Former space science museum curator and NASA consultant, Richard C. Hoagland, reacted to news of a Russian investigation into the U.S. moon landings. Author Joseph Farrell joined the conversation in the latter part of the second hour. Open Lines followed in the final hour of the...More »
  • Secret Door: Birthday Edition

    Who was behind the secret door? As George celebrated his birthday, he welcomed seven favorite C2C regulars throughout the night. In order of appearance, we heard from David Paulides, Richard C. Hoagland, Robin Falkov, L.A. Marzulli, Ian Punnett (Twitter), Graham Hancock, and...More »
  • The Second Age of Space/ Mediums & Healing

    In the first half of the program, Richard C. Hoagland, detailed why he believes we are on the cusp of a "Second Age of Space" as seen in the latest developments in space exploration. (Related Images, Related Links: Pluto: New Horizons for a Lost Horizon & In the...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/23/95 for one of Richard C. Hoagland's first show appearances. He addresses NASA's cover-up of the 'Face on Mars.'More »
  • Nuclear War on Mars

    Filling in for George, Richard Syrett welcomed Richard C. Hoagland for a discussion about evidence for nuclear war on Mars, disclosure, and how our solar system appears to have been 'remodeled' for life (additional Hoagland links:, Open Lines...More »
  • Space News, Mars, & Comet 67-P

    Former space science museum curator and former NASA consultant, Richard C. Hoagland, shared his analysis on the latest space news including how we have entered a "Second Age of Space" with the burgeoning private space industry. He also presented intriguing conclusions about...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 6/25/97 with an update from Richard C. Hoagland about a bizarre crash on MIR, as well as Open Lines on such topics as time travel, and the Bermuda Triangle.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    6-10pm PT: Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returns to 3-21-96, when Richard C. Hoagland spoke about his press conference at the National Press Club in regards to ancient alien ruins on the Moon.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    6-10pm PT: Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returns to 9/10/01 when the topic was the weird and mysterious Chilbolton Crop Glyphs, which show a formation of a face and code that may have answered questions that SETI sent out into the cosmos.More »
  • Chinese Lunar Images

    Richard C. Hoagland revealed "history-changing" results of the recent four-month-old Chinese Chang'e-3 unmanned landing on the Moon. He presented --with startling Chinese government lunar images-- "what the Chinese have really discovered on the Moon." First hour guest,...More »
  • Illuminati & Music Industry

    Media analyst and political activist Mark Dice (YouTube Channel) joined John B. Wells to discuss Illuminati influences in the music industry and how some of today’s hottest stars use esoteric symbols and song lyrics to push the secret society's agenda. In the first hour,...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell - Somewhere in Time returned to 5/11/01 when David Livingston (along with Richard C. Hoagland) talked about how private companies need to be investing in space tourism.More »
  • Chemtrails/ Comet ISON & Mars

    In the first half of the show, director of photography George Barnes discussed his new project which reveals the extent of geoengineering, weather modification and chemtrails. In the second half, Richard C. Hoagland shared updates on Comet ISON and the findings of the...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 6/25/97 when Richard C. Hoagland shared an update on a bizarre crash on MIR, and Open Lines delved into UFOs, the Bermuda Triangle and obscurantism.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 11/7/02 when Richard C. Hoagland argued that a series of photographs from Mars show an underground city buried under the sand for millions of years.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/21/96 when Richard C. Hoagland spoke about his press conference at the National Press Club in regards to ancient alien ruins on the Moon.More »
  • Mars Discoveries

    Former space science museum curator and former NASA consultant Richard C. Hoagland discussed the latest discoveries of the Mars rover as well as updates on space and energy exploration. First hour guest, technology trailblazer Rizwan Virk talked about the concept of Zen...More »
  • Preparedness & Human Trafficking

    Brad Barker, president and founder of HALO Corporation, provided an inside look into human trafficking as well as shared his insights on preparedness. In the first hour, Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission commented on the 'computer glitch' that has halted the mission of...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time journeyed back to August 24, 2001, when Art was joined by Richard C. Hoagland for a discussion on a crop formation that may be the answer to the Arecibo Message that was sent into space in 1974. Additionally, spiritual philosophy expert Gregg Braden...More »
  • Divination, Meteorite Impact, & Open Lines

    In the first hour, author Paul O'Brien, discussed how we can use tools of divination, such as the I-Ching, to help enhance our own intuition, make our own luck, and unlock synchronicity to our advantage. In the 2nd hour, Richard C. Hoagland talked about the meteorite crash in...More »
  • Mayan Expedition / Antidepressants

    In the first half of the program, John B. Wells was joined by Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission for a discussion on HAARP and his recent trip to Mexico. In the latter half of the show, Dr. Ann Blake Tracy talked about the violent side effects of prescription...More »
  • End of the Mayan Calendar Extravaganza

    George Noory checked in on the status of the post Mayan calendar world with various guests, including Richard C. Hoagland, John Hogue Major Ed Dames, Mike Bara, Barbara Marx Hubbard, L.A. Marzulli, Dannion Brinkley, Dr. Bruce Goldberg, Glynis McCants, Whitley Strieber, Wynn...More »
  • Martian Artifacts & Torsion Physics

    C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland discussed what he believes are artificial 'man-made' structures on Mars (such as The Apartments), and the hyperdimensional/torsion field physics that he learned about by decoding the Cydonia ruins. In the first hour, investigative...More »
  • Mars Update & Open Lines

    George Noory was joined in the first half by Richard C. Hoagland, who talked about evidence for methane on Mars and new images from Curiosity that reveal artifacts. Open Lines followed.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 8/18/99 when Richard C. Hoagland talked about a NASA scientist living in a cave, weird objects sighted before a quake, and Coral Castle.More »
  • Mars Curiosity Rover Mission

    C2C Science Advisor and head of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, discussed the successful landing of NASA's Curiosity Rover on the surface of Mars. Over the course of the program, he was joined by plasma physicist Dr. John Brandenburg, aerospace engineer Dr. Robert...More »
  • Torsion Physics & Free Energy

    Richard C. Hoagland spoke about his and others work with torsion physics, and how the knowledge that is coming out of their experiments could point the way to free energy vehicles, and the neutralizing of radioactive waste. First hour guest, brain researcher Neil Slade...More »
  • Mars, Ancient Life, & 'John Carter'

    Richard C. Hoagland presented his contention that the success of the new movie John Carter [of Mars] is being deliberately sabotaged by a "cabal" that is against the public learning the truth about Mars' ancient civilization and technology. First hour guest, author and...More »
  • Space Missions/ Genetic Manipulation & Prophecy

    In the first half, head of Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, talked about the 50th anniversary of astronaut John Glenn's orbiting the Earth, as well as America's future in space exploration. In the latter half, Hebrew scholar and expert in biblical prophecy, Douglas...More »
  • Secret Space Research

    C2C Science Advisor and head of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, discussed the latest American and Russian unmanned efforts to reach Mars and what may be the true nature of those missions. Over the course of the evening, he detailed how the Russian Phobos-Grunt craft...More »
  • Spirit Communications

    Guest host Rob Simone (email) welcomed paranormal researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley for a discussion about her new book with George Noory, Talking to the Dead, which covers spirit communications, and the technological devices people have used to contact the dead. As Comet...More »
  • Planet X, Consciousness, & Comet Elenin

    In the middle two hours, publisher of Mysterious World books, Doug Elwell, discussed his research on ancient references to Planet X which connects the work of Zecharia Sitchin to Biblical writings. In the first hour, writer/producer Deborah Pratt talked about her work on...More »
  • Climate & Space News

    In the first half, environmental consultant Tim Ball talked about how reports of Hurricane Irene were based on faulty computer models. In the latter half, C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland shared updates on Comet Elenin and the International Space Station (ISS).More »
  • Paranormal Documentaries / Space News

    In the first half of the show, paranormal documentary filmmakers, Christopher & Philip Booth, spoke about their current film, Soul Catcher, as well as past projects. In Soul Catcher they explored haunted Native American boarding schools built along the infamous Trail of Tears,...More »
  • Remote Viewing & NDEs

    Pediatrician and neuroscientist Dr. Melvin Morse spoke about remote viewing, children's near-death experiences (NDEs), as well as consciousness research and mind-body healing. Remote viewing and near-death experiences share certain aspects, he noted. First hour guest,...More »
  • Parapsychology

    Prof. Stephen E. Braude discussed the paranormal and parapsychology including examples of psychokinesis, the evidence for the survival of death, and a scientific discussion of psychic ability. He reviewed the case of Katie, the 'Gold Leaf Lady,' who has unprecedented episodes of...More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 10/18/01 when two mass consciousness experiments were conducted. Richard C. Hoagland joined the discussion, to offer his analysis of the tests.More »
  • Ancient Giants & Cosmic War

    Renowned researcher with a PhD from Oxford University, Joseph P. Farrell presented evidence for a hidden history of mankind that involved tyrannical giants and an elite race bent on genetic mutation. The Greeks, Hopi, Mayans, Iroquois, Aztecs, and the Bible all recorded an...More »
  • Secret Space War

    Back from his trip to Amsterdam, Richard C. Hoagland articulated his theory of a secret space program, and its possible connection to the 9-11 attacks, in the second half of the program. First hour guest, Dr. Betty Martini shared an update on aspartame dangers. Appearing...More »
  • Genetic Engineering

    Investigative reporter Jon Rappoport warned of alarming future trends in the genetic engineering of human beings. Based on his contacts with several scientists over a period of 20 years, he's concluded that human genetics research is basically a continuation of the Nazi eugenics...More »
  • Energy Grids

    Author, explorer, and 'megalithomaniac' Hugh Newman discussed his work on earth grids and ancient sites, and new discoveries that reveal subtle energies emanating from megaliths such as the pyramids of Giza, Stonehenge and Cusco. First hour guest, technology privacy expert...More »
  • Disclosure & Space Review

    C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland talked about the concept of disclosure and ET contact, as well as NASA and the space program. He referenced Arthur C . Clarke's books, such as 2010: The Year We Make Contact, and suggested that writers such as Clarke were using a kind of...More »
  • New Lifeform/Transhumanism

    In the first half of the show, the surprising scientific announcement about the discovery of an arsenic eating life form in Mono Lake, CA was discussed. Space researcher Robert Zimmerman characterized the microbe as an extremophile, Richard C. Hoagland posed the question-- "Is...More »
  • UFO Sightings & Investigations

    Author, magazine publisher, and host of the History Channel's UFO Hunters, William J. Birnes discussed recent and classic UFO cases, researchers, and the field of ufology itself. For his newest book, Aliens in America, a kind of travel guide to UFO hotspots, he chose cases that...More »
  • Space News & Disclosure/ Afghanistan War

    In the first half of the show, Coast to Coast AM science advisor Richard C. Hoagland talked about disclosure and space news. Disclosure should be about more than just UFOs, he suggested. In the latter half, CIA-trained senior intelligence operations officer, Lt. Col. Tony...More »
  • Ancient Egyptian Discoveries

    Authority on ancient and prehistoric sites in Egypt, Robert Bauval, discussed the pyramids at Giza, the Sphinx, and evidence that the origins of ancient Egyptian culture come from a black race in the Sahara. During the first half-hour, Richard C. Hoagland commented on the...More »
  • The Djinn & Paranormal Phenomena

    Paranormal researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley and UFO investigator Philip Imbrogno discussed their forthcoming book about the djinn (or jinn), secretive entities that may play a role in a variety of paranormal phenomena. First hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland talked about the...More »
  • Gulf Disaster/Psychic Mediums

    In the first half of the program, George Noory was joined by Richard C. Hoagland for a discussion on the potential catastrophic dangers that could result from the accumulation of methane in the Gulf. In the latter half, medium James Van Praagh returned to C2C and...More »
  • Methane Fears/Sumerian Texts

    In the first half of the program, scientist J. Marvin Herndon and Richard C. Hoagland discussed methane gas fears in the Gulf disaster. In the latter half of the show, Mike Heiser shared his research critique of Zecharia Sitchin's work.More »
  • Financial Coup

    Author and ex-banker John Truman Wolfe argued that the current world economic crisis is an international coup designed to take down the U.S. dollar and install a global financial machine. First hour guest Richard C. Hoagland commented on such topics as the Japanese space...More »
  • Space Roundtable

    In a 4-hour special, Buzz Aldrin, Richard C. Hoagland, Howard Bloom, and Robert Zubrin discussed the future of the space program, and how branching out to space is more important now than ever. "A nation that looks up, goes up; a nation that looks down goes down. A nation...More »
  • Jesus & Ancient Mystery Schools

    Clairvoyant and historian Tricia McCannon talked about the hidden life of Jesus Christ, and how he was influenced by the ancient Mystery Schools. First hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland commented on new photos of the Martian moon Phobos, taken by the European Space Agency.More »
  • The Future of NASA

    C2C Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland was joined by Charles Boyle, David M. Livingston, and Jim McDade for a discussion of where NASA is headed and the complex forces which are affecting our very future in space now. NASA stands at the precipice and it's American citizens who...More »
  • Earth Changes & Space Revelations

    During the first half of the show, researcher Mitch Battros discussed the current state of Earth & space changes. In the latter half of the show, C2C Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland reacted to Obama's budget plan that would scrap NASA's return to the moon, and...More »
  • Near-Death Encounters

    Founder of the Near Death Experience Research Foundation, Dr. Jeffrey Long shared the most compelling evidence to date for the reality of near-death experiences (NDEs). Last hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland offered commentary on a meeting in the UK about the search for ET...More »
  • The 2012 Phenomenon

    Ian Punnett was joined, for the full four hours, by author Gregg Braden and C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland for a discussion of the 2012 phenomenon and what it means both physically for Earth and sociologically for its denizens.More »
  • Health Issues & Space News

    Broadcasting live from Albuquerque, NM, George Noory was joined by Dr. Robin Falkov and Richard C. Hoagland for a conversation ranging from alternative health issues to the latest space news.More »
  • NASA's Moon-Smashing Mission

    During the first half of the program, George spoke with Coast to Coast AM science advisor Richard C. Hoagland about NASA's recent moon-smashing mission. The third hour was reserved for live Open Lines calls. The final hour featured a replay of Open Lines from January 18,...More »
  • Prophetic Dreams & ET Disclosure

    Intuitive researcher and lecturer David Wilcock discussed his prophetic dreams and confirmations of major social realignment beginning this fall, potential for an ET disclosure from the U.S. government, and new information that evolution is driven by galactic energy fields. ...More »
  • Bentwaters UFO Case

    Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe presented more military eyewitness accounts of the RAF Bentwaters/ Rendlesham Forest UFO case that involved highly strange aerial lights and unknown craft sightings that took place in 1980. First hour guest, C2C Science Advisor...More »
  • Lunar & NASA Secrets

    C2C science advisor, Richard C. Hoagland discussed how a current NASA return to the Moon has already led to a major new confirmation of the "lunar dome model," and shared evidence for the existence of a "secret space program." First hour guest, financial expert Andy Gause...More »
  • 2012 Special

    In a special show on 2012 and Mayan prophecy, three separate guests shared their perspectives. First, author/editor Robert Gleason talked about Mayan and Toltec cultures, and their ruler/deity, Quetzalcoatl. Then, author Daniel Pinchbeck discussed the Mayan concept that in...More »
  • The Antichrist & Prophecy

    Television producer and theologian Patrick Heron discussed his work researching references to the Antichrist in the Bible, including how it relates to fallen angels, the United States, and prophecy. First hour guest, C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland talked about a...More »
  • Consciousness & Altered States

    Researcher and author Graham Hancock discussed how humanity received a jump start some 40,000 years ago, when our ancestors took psychoactive plants and had contacts with non-terrestrial beings who served as teachers. Their visions and encounters were depicted on cave paintings,...More »
  • Billy Meier's Contacts & Prophecies

    Michael Horn spoke about Billy Meier's communications with an ET group called the Plejarens, and the dire prophecies they shared with him. First hour guest, Richard C. Hoagland talked about the Space Shuttle.More »
  • Nuclear Threats, UFOs, and Implants

    Author Whitley Strieber discussed the dangers of nuclear terrorism, which he explores in his forthcoming thriller Critical Mass, and also spoke about UFOs and alien implants. Appearing during the first half-hour, Richard C. Hoagland commented on a significant new exoplanet...More »
  • In the Numbers

    Numerologist Glynis McCants was featured in the second half of the show. In the first hour, various speakers commemorated the passing of author & astronomer Tom Van Flandern. Hoagland was joined by author Robert Zubrin in the second hour to comment on the announcement that...More »
  • Martian Anomalies

    Aerospace developer Sir Charles Shults discussed his research into anomalies on Mars, notably what he believes to be fossils on the Martian surface. "What I have found is basically the remains of organisms that look like sea urchins. We've found some...More »
  • Space & CERN

    Appearing during the middle two hours, Richard C. Hoagland joined George for a discussion on space exploration, Mars, and the CERN experiments. The recent ESA photographs of asteroid Steins, may reveal an object that is not actually an asteroid, Hoagland suggested, adding that...More »
  • Antigravity, Von Braun, & Nazi Secrets

    In a special 4-hour show, Richard C. Hoagland discussed Wernher von Braun's secret related to anti-gravity technology and space exploration. Researcher Joseph P. Farrell joined in the conversation in the latter half of the program. Hoagland presented his thesis that during that...More »
  • Lunar Anomalies & "Adam's Calendar"

    Publisher and TV Producer Michael Tellinger discussed lunar anomalies and a new archeological discovery in South Africa which could reveal secrets of early man. Regarding his moon research, he said "you've got to follow the clues and if you follow the clues, they will take you...More »
  • Hell, Death, & Dimensions

    Former investigative reporter Diane Morang shared her research into hell, death, other dimensions, and paranormal phenomena. Based on her study of such material as the Tibetan Book of the Dead, and near-death encounters, she has concluded there are 10 different dimensions-- we...More »
  • 'Friday the 13th' Open Lines

    During Open Lines, George offered a special 'Friday the 13th' line. A caller from Beaumont, TX who was born on Friday the 13th said as a child he became convinced he was doomed because of society's negative view of '13.' He thought his fate was certain when the Apollo 13...More »
  • Weird Stories

    During Open Lines, George offered a 'Weird Stories' hotline. He also asked for a few native Hawaiians to phone into the show and speak in the Pidgin language. A caller near Dallas, Texas recounted a strange experience she had while working as a nurse. The caller said one of her...More »
  • Mysteries of Cosmology & Space

    Theoretical physicist Dr. Richard Hammond discussed his new book The Unknown Universe, which explores mysterious aspects of cosmology and space. Cosmic acceleration, he explained, is the accepted concept that the universe is in a constant state of expansion, like a balloon being...More »
  • The Influence of Randomness

    Appearing in the middle two hours, physicist and writer Leonard Mlodinow spoke about his recent studies on randomness, and the influence it has in our daily lives. The title of his new book, The Drunkard's Walk, refers to the idea that we often end up getting to places through a...More »
  • Exopolitics, ETs & the Vatican

    In a special evening on the subject of 'exopolitics,' several guests reacted to the Vatican's comments about aliens (see below), and the UK's release of UFO files. In the second hour, UFO journalist Paola Harris noted the quotes that Rev. Funes made were likely sanctioned by the...More »
  • Men, Women, & Stress

    Relationship expert Dr. John Gray discussed his latest work on how men and women handle stress differently, due to gender-related chemical differences. Most "lifestyle" diseases are the result of how we respond to stress, he noted. Stress can cause elevated levels of cortisol,...More »
  • Climate & Environmental Extremism

    Appearing during the first three hours, retired professor of climatology, Dr. Tim Ballargued that climate change is not due to manmade causes such as increased CO2. Environmental issues are being politicized and exploited, he said.It is arrogance that we can stop climate change,...More »
  • Philadelphia Experiment & Secret Tech.

    Investigator of alternative technologies, Joseph P. Farrell discussed his research into secret military projects such as 'the Bell' made by the Third Reich, and the Philadelphia Experiment conducted in the United States. Both projects may have incorporated Einstein's Unified...More »
  • John Titor & Time Travel

    Historian for alleged time traveler John Titor, Oliver Williams reviewed the facts of the remarkable case, and related some of Titor's past predictions to recent news stories. Titor's story has been pieced together from posts he made on Internet discussion boards beginning in...More »
  • Plants, Bio-Communication, & Memory

    Scientist and researcher Gerald Epling discussed his work on plants and bio-communication. He's been able to replicate and extend the experiments of Cleve Backster, measuring the responses of one life form to another. Epling's experiments have shown that plants can respond to...More »
  • UFOs & Govt. Documents

    John Greenewald of the Black Vault discussed UFOs and government documentation & disclosure. Through his Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, he has created the world's largest online database of US government documents. Whenfiling such inquiries, the trick is to be...More »
  • American Crises

    During the first three hours, columnist and television commentator Pat Buchanan discussed his new book Day of Reckoning. He outlined his belief that the "perfect storm" of crises are leading America to its demise.More »
  • Moonlight Madness Open Lines

    During 'Moonlight Madness' Open Lines, Bob in Monterey, CA said he has been working with a man named Ed, who uses night vision goggles to view UFOs and has witnessed them battling in the skies.More »
  • NASA's Deceptions

    Coast to Coast AM Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland and former Boeing aerospace engineer Mike Baraintroduced their just released book Dark Mission.More »
  • Dream Explorations

    Pioneer of active dreaming, and best-selling author Robert Moss returned for a discussion on dream explorations.More »
  • Remote Viewing Bin Laden

    Remote viewing teacher Maj. Ed Dames discussed how his agency (the Matrix Intelligence Agency) has pinned down the location of Osama bin Laden.More »
  • Psychic Detectives

    Kelly Snyder of Find Me discussed how his group of 32 psychics & experts assists law enforcement and families in locating missing people.More »
  • Atlantis, Tesla, & Space Missions

    During the 2nd hour, researcher Doug Yurchey discussed Atlantis, Nikola Tesla, and an ancient World Energy Grid.More »
  • Intuitions and the Future

    Intuitive and futurist Sean David Morton shared some of his recent predictions and forecasts.More »
  • Tribute to Art Bell

    George Noory and a cavalcade of guests paid tribute to Art Bell, and clips of some of Art's most memorable on-air moments were played. In live appearances Whitley Strieber, Richard C. Hoagland, Ian Punnett, Dannion Brinkley, George Knapp, Seth Shostak, Evelyn Paglini, Sean David...More »
  • Roswell UFO Festival Special

    Broadcasting live from the Roswell UFO Festival, George and co-host Richard C. Hoagland welcomed several surprise guests.More »
  • Panel: Fixing NASA

    In a special panel on how to fix NASA, Richard C. Hoagland was joined by David Livingston, the founder of The Space Show, and Rick Sterling, a space expert.More »
  • Cursed Calls & More

    After reading the purportedly true story, Cursed by the Witch, George offered a 'Cursed' hotline during Open Lines for callers who believe they have been cursed or who have ever wanted to place a curse on someone else.More »
  • Secret Door III

    Secret Door guests and Open Lines were intertwined in this impromptu evening.More »
  • Missing Bees & Torsion Field Physics

    Art was joined by Richard C. Hoagland for a discussion on torsion field physics and how it may relate to the disappearing bee problem. Hoagland suggested the missing bees are not off dying in mass somewhere but are instead getting lost from their hives.More »
  • Secret Door II

    In a night of "Secret Door" guests, six people made surprise appearances on the show.More »
  • Demonic Encounters

    Appearing during the second hour, demonologist Chris Doyle discussed different types of negative entities that he's encountered, such as vampires and demons.More »
  • Evolution, Darwin, & Intelligent Design

    Senior Fellow of the Discovery Institute, Dr. Geoffrey Simmons presented a critique of Darwin's theory of evolution.More »
  • Phoenix Lights & the Norfolk Incident

    Investigative writer William Warwick recounted his sighting of the 'Norfolk Incident' and presented a chronology of events surrounding the Phoenix Lights of 1997.More »
  • 'Grim Reaper' Calls

    Broadcasting live from the KTRH studios in Houston, George Noory hosted an evening of Open Lines with a special hotline for people who believe they've encountered the 'Grim Reaper.'More »
  • Lunar Evidence

    Former aviation pilot John Lear returned for a discussion about photographic evidence for cities and mining operations on the moon.More »
  • Cells & Healing

    Scientist and healing facilitator Joyce Hawkes discussed tools for healing that allow the mind to influence biology.More »
  • Ancient Technology & Visitations

    Researchers Jason Martell and Erik Poltorak (Parker) shared information about ancient technology, ET visitations and humankind's origins.More »
  • Psychic Attacks

    An expert in hypnosis and time travel, Dr. Bruce Goldberg addressed recognizing and fending off psychic attacks, and also spoke about spirit guides, soul mates and dreams.More »
  • Remote Viewing Targets

    Remote Viewer in the Army's Stargate Project and psychic, Joseph McMoneagle discussed his history with remote viewing as well as some of the targets he's worked on.More »
  • The Watchers & Ancient Texts

    Appearing for 90-minutes, Howard West, the author of Quicksilver Key, shared his research into ancient manuscripts and the "Watchers."More »
  • Luck & Mindset

    Peak performance hypnotherapist Pete Siegel discussed how luck is a function of the mind and what you can do to change your fortune.More »
  • Bigfoot Evidence

    Wildlife biologist John Bindernagel and Professor of Anatomy Jeffrey Meldrum discussed the scientific evidence for Bigfoot. Bindernagel, who started off his research as an undergraduate in 1963, gave his reactions to the many sightings in the U.S. of Sasquatch.More »
  • Open Lines & Steve Irwin Tribute

    During Open Lines, one caller claimed she and some friends were able to levitate a friend above their heads (using the 'light as a feather, stiff as a board' method).More »
  • Mercenaries & Military Conflict

    In the middle two hours of the show, adventurer and author Robert Young Pelton discussed the world of hired military contractors.More »
  • Planet Theories & Mars

    Research astronomer Tom Van Flandern discussed his exploded planets hypothesis, Big Bang theories, Mars artifacts, and the proposed changes in descriptions of our planetary line up.More »
  • Mind Parasites

    Philosopher and paranormal investigator Jonathan Zap presented the concept that "mind parasites" (a term first coined in a sci-fi novel by Colin Wilson) could be feeding off the energy of humans and instigating their baser instincts.More »
  • Missing Apollo 11 Tapes

    Coast to Coast AM science advisor Richard C. Hoagland reported on the nearly 700 boxes of missing Apollo 11 data and videotapes. Apollo astronaut Buzz Aldrin also appears in the show.More »
  • Space, Gravity & NASA

    In the middle two hours of the show,astrobiologist and astronomer Dr. David Darling spoke about cosmic mysteries such as dark energy, the "red rain" phenomenon which fell in India, and the danger of asteroids.More »
  • SETI Update

    Filling in for Art Bell, Ian Punnett welcomed astronomer Seth Shostak of the SETI Institute, who talked about the organization's search for intelligent life in the universe.More »
  • Giant Owls & Thunderbirds

    During the first half of the program, Ian Punnett welcomed writer Mark Hall, who talked about reported sightings of giant owls and other mysterious behemothic birds.More »
  • Replay: Richard C. Hoagland & Mike Heiser

    Because of technical difficulties, Art Bell, broadcasting from the Philippines, was heard live for just the first hour with guest Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission, who talked about hyperdimensional changes in our solar system.More »
  • Pyramids, ETs & Mars

    Researcher of ancient mysteries, Wayne Herschel shared his theorythat modern day humans are descendants of ETs who came to Earth 10,000 years ago.More »
  • Something's Going to Happen

    A special night of Open Lines featured the Something's Going to Happen hotline.More »
  • Rebroadcast: Richard C. Hoagland from 12/26/03

    In this rebroadcast from 12/26/03, Art Bell conversed with Richard C. Hoagland for the entire program about the importance of Mars.More »
  • Illuminati's Agenda

    Researcher of esoteric history, Alan Watt discussed how ultra high level sects have controlled the course of history to a pre-determined goal and are still in power.More »
  • Rebroadcast: Michael Tsarion from 5/26/05

    The last three hours of the program were a rebroadcast from 5/26/05, which featured author Michael Tsarion on the Nephilim and genetic experiments on humans.More »
  • Alien Implant Update

    In the first half, George Noory was joined by ufologist Dr. Roger Leir, who discussed findings from an alien implant removal surgery he performed on December 5, 2003. The last half of Friday's program was Open Lines, with a special topic line for people with unforgettable...More »
  • Government Surveillance & UFOs

    UFO researcher and author Nick Redfern talked about his work uncovering how the entire UFO research community has been monitored by U.S. Intelligence Agencies dating back to the 1940's. In the era before UFO investigators, the media covering flying saucers were watched by...More »
  • Earth, Geophysics & the Solar System

    Maverick geophysicist Dr. J. Marvin Herndon shared his latest scientific findings related to the formation of the Earth and the Solar System, and also touched on such topics as the earth's core and global warming.According to his theory, the Earth was once a huge Jupiter-like...More »
  • Friday-the-13th Open Lines

    During a special night of Friday-the-13th Open Lines, callers phoned in to share their thoughts on the number 13, as well as to discuss their superstitions. In the second half-hour, author Nathaniel Lachenmeyer discussed beliefs and superstitions about the number 13.More »
  • Mars, UFOs & Alternative Energy

    ABC News electronics technician and independent researcher, Keith Morgan, shared theories about UFOs, Mars and alternative energy, as well as his experiences of media cover-ups of these topics. "There are real artifacts sitting on the surface of Mars," as proven out by the...More »
  • Ufology, 2012 & 11:11

    Former attorney for Citizens Against UFO Secrecy, Peter Gersten spoke about the symbolism of 11:11, the winter solstice of 2012 and the current state of Ufology.More »
  • Nine Lives Hotline

    George Noory hosted a special Thanksgiving Eve of Open Lines, which featured a Nine Lives Hotline. Among the callers was a man who said he has so far survived being crushed by a semi, knocked out in a fight, drinking Drano, and the 1989 San Francisco earthquake.More »
  • Intelligent Design Debate

    Three guests, Richard C. Hoagland, Stan Tenen, and Mike Heiser, debated the idea of "intelligent design." Was humankind designed by God, superior alien life forms or neither?More »
  • Halloween Tales

    Friday night's Open Lines featured a 'Halloween' hotline for callers who wanted to share memorable experiences from Halloweens past. Mark from California claimed to have been thrown around his room by a little girl who mysteriously appeared in his bedroom doorway one Halloween...More »
  • Rebroadcast: Evelyn Paglini-- 'Occult Practices'

    Live for the first hour, George Noory first received an update from researcher David Sereda about the space traveler, Greg Olsen, who supposedly "lost" his infrared camera on his trip. Sereda noted that this type of camera might have been able to view UFOs and that Olsen was...More »
  • Health Advocacy

    Consumer advocate and health freedom fighter Tim Bolen revealed the ways in which the medical and dental establishments are preventing innovation in their fields, in an effort to protect the status quo. Western medicine relies too heavily on treatment and needs to shift to...More »
  • Hurricane Rita & Open Lines

    George Noory hosted a night of pure Open Lines and offered a special hotline for people in areas affected by Hurricane Rita.Throughout the evening filmmaker and radio host Alex Jones provided updates on Hurricane Rita from his headquarters in Austin, Texas. Mark Sudduth of...More »
  • Evening of Commentary

    In a unique Evening of Commentary, six different guests appeared, each for a half-hour time slot. After a first hour of Open Lines, Steve Quayle joined the show to discuss earth changes and civil preparedness. A recent series of quakes in the San Joaquin Valley in California...More »
  • Prophecy & Divination

    World renowned scholar of prophetic visions John Hogue discussed the fulfillment of his 1998 prediction of the destruction of New Orleans. In his book 1,000 for 2,000, he wrote that a major American city in the South such as Miami or New Orleans would be ruined by a "super...More »
  • Rebroadcast: Open Lines, Phil Plait & Richard C. Hoagland

    In this rebroadcast from 7/29/05 George Noory discussed recent planetary discoveries with Phil Plait and Richard C. Hoagland, as well as hosted 'Strange Karma' Open Lines.More »
  • Children's Past Life Memories

    Dr. Jim Tucker of the University of Virginia's division of Personality Studies shared his international research into children who report memories of past lives. Such memories are most commonly reported by children, who by the age of six or seven tend to start forgetting these...More »
  • Health & Diet/ Hurricane Katrina

    In the middle two hours of the show, founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, Gabriel Cousens M.D. shared his research and methodology. By consuming live (uncooked) foods a person can raise their biophoton levels and thus be more connected to the "living field" and have...More »
  • 9-11 Deceptions

    Author Eric Hufschmid presented his case that we have been lied to about events concerning 9-11. Specifically, he believes that the Twin Towers were blown up, and as evidence for this he cited that the Towers fell at the same speed at which objects free fall. If it was not a...More »
  • Cydonia Symbols

    Founder of the Cydonia Institute, George Haas and his co-author William Saunders discussed their book, The Cydonia Codex. They believe that the ancient art and sculpture of Mesoamerica is reflected in geoglyphs of Mars, specifically as depicted in the 2001 'Face on Mars.' Haas...More »
  • The Shuttle Mission/Antigravity

    George Noory, now hosting the first Sunday of each month, welcomed Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission, who was paired with two different guests. In Hour 2, Hoagland brought on ex-NASA employee Ken Johnston, and the two discussed various issues related to the Shuttle...More »
  • Strange Karma

    Open Lines featured a special "strange karma" line, where callers shared stories of unusual circumstances that had befallen them recently. Other calls included a man who said he purchased an inexpensive radio from Walgreens, and when he turned it on, he would hear an odd...More »
  • Creepy Stories

    The last half of the show featured Open Lines, with a special hotline for truck drivers, police officers and newspaper carriers who had creepy stories to share.More »
  • Deep Impact Special

    A variety of guests shared their insights on the momentous Deep Impact mission and the results of the probe's collision with Comet Tempel 1 which occurred the night before.More »
  • God, Man & ET Roundtable

    Four panelists joined together in a discussion on the issue of God, Man, & ETs, and shared their reactions to the possibly imminent NASA/ESA confirmation that 'We are Not Alone.'More »
  • Ancient Codes & Spirituality

    Engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell returned to talk about the codes he has uncovered in ancient civilizations. By examining their objects, artifacts, and paintings and subjecting them to computer analysis he has made a variety of extrapolations.More »
  • Make a Wish

    George offered a special "wishing" line for people to share what they would ask for if they were granted a single wish. One caller said he wanted a spacecraft that could hold enough food and water to allow him to travel beyond the galaxy. He said he didn't want to utilize...More »
  • Shamanism & Healing

    Dr. David Cumes discussed his practice of shamanic rituals, during the the middle two hours of the program. A surgeon here in the United States, he is able to act as bridge between Western medicine and ancient healing wisdom, and believes that both methods have their benefits.More »
  • Prophecy: The Invasion of America

    Father Andrew Wingate returned to share his prophetic visions, which he says come to him from "heaven," and are confirmed with a group of other mystic priests, before he announces them. Here is a timeline of events that Wingate laid out: The Pope will be cured of a serious...More »
  • Theories of Iapetus

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission and astronomer David Darling discussed Richard's new theory about Saturn's moon, Iapetus. With a diameter of around 900 miles, Saturn's third largest moon has a number of noteworthy properties, Hoagland detailed. It has a dark side that...More »
  • War Technology

    NewsMax columnist Charles R. Smith offered his analysis of various geopolitical conflicts and discussed the latest technology in military unmanned vehicles. These unmanned craft are one indication that we are entering a "new kind of war," he said, where precision instruments and...More »
  • NDEs, OBEs & Best Callers

    During Friday night's Open Lines, several callers shared their near death and out of body experiences. One caller alleged he was shot and killed, yet could hear the hospital surgical team's discussion while they worked to revive him. The caller said he was dead for 20 minutes.A...More »
  • Probing Titan's Mysteries

    During the first hour, planetary scientist David Grinspoon discussed the Huygens probe landing on Saturn's moon, Titan. He thinks the fact that the probe survived its descent may indicate the landing surface was liquid or icy slush.More »
  • Exploring Antigravity

    In the first hour Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission discussed the Hyperdimensional Physics of earth changes. For the main part of the show, Hoagland was joined by Tim Ventura, the creator of the American Antigravity website, to talk about experiments in antigravity and...More »
  • Ancient Mysteries

    Historical detective Graham Phillips explored the possibility that the biblical account of the ten plagues of Egypt could have been caused by a volcanic eruption. According to his research, the Exodus from Egypt may have been occurring at the same time as a violent eruption on...More »
  • Sci-Fi Projects

    Twilight Zone Companion author Marc Zicree discussed the classic Rod Serling series as well as the latest book in his modern-day fantasy trilogy, Magic Time- Ghostlands. The premise of this novel, he said, is that machines all stop working and magic replaces technology. It's...More »
  • Conversations with Richard C.

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission returned to the show to converse on a wide range of topics. He gave an update on his experiment at Coral Castle in Florida, saying they have an area there permanently wired to test reactions to the environment. "Leedskalnin built an...More »
  • Government Cover-ups

    Founder of the Disclosure Project and Space Energy Access Systems, Dr. Steven Greer, shared information about a large object detected by Cassini, "over unity" devices, and the government cover-ups that keep us in the dark. Greer said he was recently contacted by a Lockheed...More »
  • Twin Encounters

    Twins Earlene Carr and Shurlene Wallace shared their alien contact experiences which began in Dallas in 1995. While Earlene focused on UFO research and support, Shurlene began having numerous direct encounters. "I woke up in a UFO," said Shurlene, of her first experience. She...More »
  • 9-11 Enigmas

    Dave vonKleist, co-host of The Power Hour radio program, shared evidence from his video, 911: In Plane Site, which documents unexplained circumstances involving events at the Pentagon and WTC. One of the inexplicable elements of the Pentagon attack, was that only a 16 ft. hole...More »
  • A Dark and Stormy Night

    Open Lines featured callers from Florida sharing accounts of Hurricane Charley, as well as Friday night spooky stories. A woman from Ft. Meyers, FL said she and her cat survived Hurricane Charley by huddling in the utility room of her mobile home. According to the caller, the...More »
  • Untold Stories

    During Friday's Open Lines, we heard from a caller who said she attended a funeral where the corpse was attacked by bugs and leaked embalming fluid. First hour guest, reporter and editor Linda Moulton Howe of discussed Earth's weakening magnetic field, as well as...More »
  • Ufological Investigations

    Italo-American investigative journalist Paola Harris returned to the show to share updates on cases she has been working on and to discuss the state of ufology. She said she had recently traveled to Switzerland and met with legendary contactee Billy Meier. "This case has to be...More »
  • Dan Burisch Update

    During the first two hours of Friday's show, reporter and editor Linda Moulton Howe of gave an update on the Dan Burisch case. Dan Burisch claims to have received telepathic messages from a time traveling extraterrestrial called J-Rod.More »
  • Nanobacteria, Climate & Technology

    Nanotechnology journalist, Douglas Mulhall discussed issues related to climate, medicine and advanced technologies. There is evidence of sudden climate change he said, citing a two-year period without summers that occurred in 536 AD, as well as another event 10,000 years ago...More »
  • Future of Earth

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission and psychic David Wilcock discussed global superstorms on other planets and what this could mean for the future of Earth. (In this four-hour appearance, they also commented on the death of Eugene Mallove, in the first hour). Paramount in...More »
  • Mars Initiative/ Cursed Hotline

    First hour guest, Richard Hoagland of Enterprise Mission, joined us from his homebase in New Mexico to discuss why he thinks the Mars initiative is losing momentum. He suggested that it's not because of lack of enthusiasm from Captitol Hill; rather, it seems to be "great...More »
  • Mars & the X-Conference

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission, fresh from his appearance at the X-Conference, discussed his new in-depth article Methane on Mars. Because of the presence of methane, and other mounting evidence, he believes that NASA may be planning an announcement in the next few...More »
  • The Phoenix Lights

    Physician and health educator Lynne Kitei shared her story of being witness to the still unexplained "Phoenix Lights" in Arizona, in March 1997, a huge triangular formation seen by countless residents. What made her story all the more remarkable is that she had documented...More »
  • Mars & Space Exploration

    President of The Mars Society, Robert Zubrin, joined Richard Hoagland in a discussion about the new Space Initiative. Specifically, the two were critical of plans to cut funding to the Hubble Space Telescope, which Zubrin called "one of the greatest scientific instruments," of...More »
  • Police State Agenda

    "I don't have an axe to grind," but rather "I just want the truth," said filmmaker and radio host Alex Jones. He chronicled his infiltration into the Bohemian Grove, where he covertly videotaped hundreds of the world's elite power players enjoying what Jones characterized as an...More »
  • Paranormal Bigfoot

    Jon-Erik Beckjord, the Director for The Bigfoot Investigation Project, discussed his first-hand research into the mystery of Sasquatch, which he believes is paranormal in origin.More »
  • The Oil Crash

    Matt Savinar, the author and administrator of Life After the Oil, detailed how worldwide oil production will peak in our near future. The data he has accumulated about "peak oil" is backed by geologists and petroleum engineers, he said.More »
  • Biocommunication

    Cleve Backster presented an overview of his 37 years of research related to electrical responses in plant life and at a cellular level in other living organisms. Even the tiniest living organisms such as bacteria can demonstrate reactions to their environments in a kind of...More »
  • Speaking with the Dead

    Friday's show featured a special topic hotline, for people that "speak with the dead." One woman told a tale of eating a hamburger with her father in a truck stop, knowing full well that he was in spirit form. Another caller talked about how the ability to speak with the...More »
  • ET Transmissions

    Paranormal expert, Richard Lawrence spoke extensively about the founder of The Aetherius Society, the late George King, whom he was acquainted with for many years. King was known for his deep trance states where he would transmit messages from benevolent entities who occupied...More »
  • Solomon Island Giants

    Author Steve Quayle related information about giants and UFO bases, both of which he said are currently present on or off the Solomon Islands in the Pacific. One group of these giants, which are reported to be 10-12 ft. tall, are similar to Sasquatch and have a detectable odor...More »
  • Martian Update

    Richard C. Hoagland of Enterprise Mission, the guest for the first half of Friday's show, discussed the latest information about Mars. He touched on the controversy of NASA changing the color of images sent back from the planet, which he said was done as a distraction to keep...More »
  • Intuiting 2004

    Joseph Jacobs, an internationally known psychic, returned to the show as Thursday's main guest, offering his insights and predictions for 2004. The new year should be slower and more mellow than 2003 for most of us, he said. However, the time frame of January 23rd to Feb. 5th is...More »
  • The Importance of Mars

    Joining Art Bell, for the full 4-hour broadcast, Richard Hoagland of Enterprise Mission discussed new Mars missions, as well as the significance of ancient artifacts on the red planet. Addressing the notion of a "curse" on Mars missions, he commented that the failed signal from...More »
  • Christmas Eve Show

    In his Christmas Eve broadcast, George held a night of Open Lines, with a special topic line devoted to stories of Xmas miracles.More »
  • Positive Psychology

    "Healing is not getting better, it's making yourself whole," said Dr. Paul Pearsall, an educational psychologist and author, who was the main guest on Wednesday's program. As an advocate for the new field of "positive psychology," Pearsall believes that people can thrive...More »
  • Predictions and Time Travels

    Futurist and prophetic visionary, Gordon-Michael Scallion returned to share his intuitions and predictions. Here is a rundown of some of what he sees in store: Eventually, the US will lose 1/3 of its land mass, though an equal amount of new land will rise. A powerful sun flare...More »
  • Meeting with Elves

    Consultant and author Penny Kelly shared her story of meeting with a group of elves on her Michigan farm. She explained that she struck up a deal with the creatures, who as nature guardians, would help to increase the grape yield at her vineyards in exchange for her telling the...More »
  • Alien Implants & Extraterrestrials

    During the show's first hour, Dr. Roger Leir shared his knowledge and exposure to alien implants in human beings. His compelling and intriguing work takes a very serious look at the scientific and medical aspects of the alien abduction phenomena. Sunday night's main guests,...More »
  • Conspiracies & Cover-ups

    Author and investigator Jim Marrs delved into a variety of hidden agendas and absorbing topics when he appeared on Thursday's program.More »
  • Mars in Hoagland's Eyes

    "Mars is now almost blinding, it's absolutely breathtaking...Tonight, it's closer than it's been since maybe we were there," said Richard C. Hoagland as he spoke on a cell phone while peering into a telescope. Live from the Star Hill Inn, an astronomy retreat in New Mexico,...More »
  • Forecasting Technology

    "The future is a roadmap, and each moment produces a different road map," said Paul Guercio who along with Dr. George Hart appeared on Monday night's show. The two are the founders of The Merlin Project, a scientifically-based forecasting technology that combines equations...More »
  • Tesla & Atlantis

    Physicist James McCanney talked about his new book Atlantis to Tesla. He believes Tesla had access to the mysterious Kolbrin Bible while growing up, and this may have impacted his later ideas. This bible, McCanney said, describes massive devastation to the Earth caused by...More »
  • ETs and Government Knowledge

    "This is the biggest story in human history," said Retired Command Sergeant Major Robert O. Dean (, the main guest on Wednesday's program. He was referring to the extraterrestrial presence on this planet, which he first became aware of while examining top secret...More »
  • Demise of Humankind?

    Astrophysicist Sir Martin Rees, the main guest on Monday night, discussed his new book Our Final Hour, which advances an alarming thesis: the odds are no better than 50/50 that our species will survive to the end of the twenty-first century.More »
  • Biting Open Lines

    During the second half of Friday's show the lines were snapping when George asked for tales of being bitten by animals or insects. One man reported being attacked by a swarm of yellow jackets as he drove his car at high speed along the highway. Stories about a biting cat,...More »
  • Mars & Baghdad

    Richard C. Hoagland returned to Coast this Thursday night drawing comparisons between parts of Baghdad and the planet Mars. He pointed out that recent satellite photographs taken of Baghdad show the same tetrahedral geometry that he has found in abundance in Cydonia.More »
  • Night Visitors

    Friday night's Open Lines were populated with stories of night visitors. For instance Lisa from Phoenix encountered a Shadow Person who snarled foul words at her in a foreign language (though he graciously vanished after she screamed at him to leave!). A border patrol officer...More »
  • The Space Panel

    In a provocative Wednesday night show, Richard Hoagland joined George for the entire program to discuss a cover-up of Moon anomalies and the current Shuttle investigation. Three other guests were also featured as part of the line-up. Hoagland and space expert Dr. David...More »
  • Subtle Sciences

    "I think of myself as an intergalactic sociologist," said Wednesday night's guest Dr. Simeon Hein, the Director of the Institute for Resonance. Hein is an expert in both crop circles and remote viewing. Calling crop circles a kind of "natural magic," he believes a group of 30-40...More »
  • Voices of the Night

    "This is a defining moment," said Richard C. Hoagland, kicking off Friday night's program. He was on the air to spearhead support for Project Prometheus, NASA's recently announced nuclear-powered propulsion system which could triple the speed of current space travel. Hoagland...More »
  • Mars' True Colors

    "I am basically coming to the conclusion that the $15 billion we're spending in NASA is not the real space program. It's window dressing. The real space program is being run by other folks-- maybe even from another continent for purposes that the American people haven't a clue...More »