Libbe HaLevy

Libbe HaLevy

Libbe HaLevy produces and hosts Nuclear Hotseat, the weekly international news magazine on all things anti-nuclear, which is downloaded in 112 countries on six continents and has received as many as half a million hits. She has been a TEDx speaker, an Amazon #1 bestselling author, hosted rallies, and led media workshops at anti-nuclear conferences around the country. Libbe is also the co-creator of Radiation Awareness Protection Talk, or RAPT, an audio series on how to best protect from the negative impact of radioactivity on our health.



Past Shows:

  • Govt. UFO Files & Australian Cases

    Australian researcher Paul Dean discussed top secret UFO files. Libbe HaLevy presented an update on Fukushima.More »
  • Radioactivity in the Environment/ Open Lines

    In the first half, Libbe HaLevy, author and host of "Nuclear Hotseat," discussed various nuclear incidents such as Three Mile Island and Fukushima, and the status of the methane leak in Southern California, and how radioactive radon gas (a major carcinogen) is being released...More »

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