Jan Bondeson

Jan Bondeson

Jan Bondeson is an associate professor at Cardiff University in Wales. He is the author of the bestselling book, Buried Alive, about the history of the signs of death and the risk of being buried alive by mistake. Bondeson is the biographer of a predecessor of Jack the Ripper, the London Monster, who stabbed fifty women in the buttocks, of Edward 'the Boy' Jones, who stalked Queen Victoria and stole her underwear, and Greyfriars Bobby, a Scottish terrier who supposedly spent 14 years guarding his master's grave. His recent book, Amazing Dogs: A Cabinet of Canine Curiosities, tells the story of Don, the Talking Dog, and describes the experiments with super-intelligent dogs in Nazi Germany.


Past Shows:

  • Banking Whistleblower/ Strange Victoriana

    In the first half, retired financial industry professional Bradley Birkenfeld discussed how he blew the whistle on decades of dirty dealings by Swiss banks — and brought down a corrupt system that enabled powerful, moneyed people to hide assets and evade taxes. In the...More »
  • Cyber Warfare/ Victorian Murders

    In the first half, reporter Fred Kaplan, discussed how our lives and the nation's infrastructure are dependent on digital technology, which is leaving American security vulnerable to malicious hackers that can conceivably wreak destruction from their keyboards. In the...More »
  • Buried Alive & Amazing Dogs/ Open Lines

    George Noory was joined by author Jan Bondeson, who discussed the history of the signs of death and risk of being buried alive by mistake, as well as shared stories of some of the most extraordinary dogs in history. Open Lines followed.More »

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