Secrets of Nahanni / Twilight Zone / Open Lines

Hosted byJimmy Church


Secrets of Nahanni / Twilight Zone / Open Lines

About the show

Canada is a land full of vast natural beauty and thriving, unspoiled wilderness. Stories of strange phenomena have sprung from Canada's Nahanni National Park, a place known ominously as "The Valley of Headless Men." Filmmaker Marc McPherson, steeped in the secrets of Nahanni, joins Richard Syrett (Twitter) to discuss strange cases of people disappearing only to turn up without their heads. Followed by Arlen Schumer, an award-winning comic book-style illustrator and pop culture expert. He'll trace The Twilight Zone’s roots in surrealism, and its influence on psychedelia, television, film, modern art, and science fiction. Open Lines will be featured in the latter half.

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