UFOs: Cases & Crashes

Hosted byGeorge Noory

UFOs: Cases & Crashes

About the show

Researcher Kevin Randle shared updates on various UFO crashes, as well as some of the best cases and sightings. He reviewed his extensive investigation into the Roswell Incident, including his interview with Bill Brazel, a New Mexico rancher who found debris at the crash site. Randle has concluded there were actually two debris sites near Roswell, though just one craft that crashed in early July, 1947. He dismissed the 'Soviet experiment' explanation for Roswell, presented in Annie Jacobsen's new book, as her information came from a single unnamed source, and he found it preposterous that Stalin and Mengele would be working together.

Newer reports of UFOs (typically describing various lights but not specifics of the craft) are not of the same "robust nature" as in the 1940s and 50s, when UFO occupants were more frequently observed, he noted. Randall added that he's more impressed by photographic evidence from the period of the 1940s-60s, when it was much harder to fake images, as compared to today. He cited the 1952 film footage shot by Delbert Newhouse in Utah as being particularly impressive (though some skeptics say he was filming seagulls).

The change in UFO reports over the years may be related to an alteration in the visitation pattern of aliens/ETs, who could now be observing us from a greater distance, he theorized. One of the best UFO cases was the 1952 DC sightings, where UFOs showed up on multiple radar sets, and this was augmented by witness testimony from pilots and people on the ground, Randall commented. He also spoke about his research into Project Moon Dust, a covert military investigation into UFOs and crash retrievals.

Solar Threats

First hour guest, author Lawrence Joseph talked about protecting the electrical grids from solar blasts. We face a serious danger of getting knocked off the grid (major solar blasts occurred in 1859 and 1921), yet the Senate scuttled legislation that was passed in the House to take protective measures, he noted. Joseph said he's seeking to get this topic on the agenda of the 2012 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, so that heads of state can take action on this catastrophic threat.

News segment guests: Dr. Bruce Goldberg, Richard C. Hoagland


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