
Hosted byGeorge Noory


About the show

Investigative reporters and film producers G. Edward Griffin and Mike Murphy presented evidence and theories behind the phenomenon of chemtrails, which are said to be caused by chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed into the atmosphere by planes. Griffin differentiated chemtrails from jet contrails, noting that contrails (condensation trails) dissipate quickly in the air, while chemtrails linger for some time.

The two pointed toward geoengineering (weather modification) as a rapidly developing industry that is experimenting with aerial spraying/chemtrails. Murphy cited the US Military's report Owning the Weather in 2025 (PDF file), and connected the spraying with massive amounts of aluminum, barium, and strontium found in snow, rain, and soil samples in places like Mount Shasta. For more on test results, he recommended the site He also talked about declining organic farming in Hawaii, and suggested that chemtrails might be damaging crops in order to force farmers to use GMO seeds.

In describing a plane's typical chemtrail mission, "we see them in the morning...going back and forth in the sky, and behind them we see the long trails that persist," said Murphy, who noted that this is a global operation that sometimes involves UN planes, and many different governments. They are traversing the sky where there are no regular flight patterns, Griffin added. The agenda of those using chemtrails likely extends beyond weather modification, and may involve population control experiments, Murphy said.

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Solar Flares

First hour guest, Earth changes expert Mitch Battros shared an update on recent solar activity, which included a small B-class flare. Because of the cycle we're in, with Earth's magnetic field weakening, we could be affected more by smaller flares, such as experiencing satellite outages, he warned.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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Exorcisms & the Demonic
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