Science's Mistakes & Hill Case

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Science's Mistakes & Hill Case

About the show

Former nuclear physicist Stanton Friedman and social scientist Kathleen Marden discussed their research into the 1961 Betty & Barney UFO abduction case, as well as various examples throughout history when scientists misjudged or ignored scientific evidence or breakthroughs. Friedman cited how early proponents for nuclear cold fusion were hounded out of their jobs, but now it's been shown that this method may become a valid energy source.

Marden talked about how the Eugenics movement in the United States once advocated for sterilizing convicted felons and their sons, who were thought to carry defective genetic traits. She also recounted the work of Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis, a Hungarian obstetrician in the 1800s who first introduced the idea that doctors should wash their hands with chlorinated lime before examining patients. While this dramatically reduced infections for women in the maternity ward, Semmelweis was called a charlatan and his antiseptic theory was debunked for many years.

Marden also touched on the case of Natasha Demkina, the Russian "Girl with X-ray Eyes" who was brought to America and tested on a Discovery Channel special that aired in 2004. Demkina was a genuine medical intuitive, but the unfair protocols of the US testing led people to believe the case was a hoax, she detailed. Regarding the Hill case, Marden (who was the niece of Betty Hill) noted physical evidence in the abduction, with Betty's dress damaged, and Barney's shoes scraped. Further, Dr. Simon, who conducted hypnosis sessions with them said they were as traumatized as war veterans he'd worked with, Friedman added.

Stanton Friedman will be teaching an online course at the International Metaphysical University titled "Flying Saucers and Science."

Oil Spill Update

First hour guest, Capt. Kelly Sweeney offered analysis of the oil spill crisis. A Coast Guard Captain in Florida told him that "we're going to be skimming the surface" for oil for at least another year, and that's just with what has been spilled currently. To prevent this kind of disaster from happening again, Sweeney suggested that all drilling rigs within US territory be required to have US mariners on board and be subject to Coast Guard inspections.


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Check out a profileof Stanton Friedman which has just been published on AOL News. Written by Lee Speigel, the article features comments by Friedman about his decades-long work in ufology, as well as photos of some of the most credible UFO sightings (pictured is a Saturn-shaped object witnessed by a Brazilian ship in 1958).

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