Transhumanism, Stargates & Watchers

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Transhumanism, Stargates & Watchers

About the show

Researcher Tom Horn outlined connections between transhumanism, the 'Watchers,' and stargates. Interestingly, transhumanism, which involves human enhancement through such fields as biotech, appears in ancient texts, he said. Repeatedly, he ran across the idea of god-like beings (or the Watchers) coming down to Earth and genetically tinkering with humans, as well as blending different species together. Classical mythology may have been a crude record of these blending experiments, he noted.

Horn postulated the Watchers needed to blend human/animal forms in order to create a suitable body to extend themselves-- a regular human spirit wouldn't enter such a hybrid form. Now, developments in fields such as biotechnology could be leading to a new mechanism for the Watchers return, he cautioned.

Stargates or wormholes may be used by advanced beings to traverse through dimensions, time, and vast distances, said Horn. He recounted details from the epic tale of Nimrod, a giant who'd undergone a transformation and built the Tower of Babel as a kind of stargate. Horn also discussed prophecy, the Mayans and 2012.

Bigfoot Hoax

First hour guest, cryptozoologist Loren Coleman presented a wrap-up on the Georgia Bigfoot hoax, and discussed Newsweek's coverage of the incident.

Bumper Music

Last Night

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