Monster Hunters

Hosted byIan Punnett

Monster Hunters

About the show

Filmmaker Peter Von Puttkamer discussed his most recent work tracking six groups of Monster Hunters on a mission to find physical evidence of the Jersey Devil, Chupacabras, and Yowies.

According to Puttkamer, the Jersey Devil legend may have started in the 18th century when a deformed child was born to the Leeds family. There are many reports of people seeing an actual biological creature, he explained, including a detailed account from a fire department that used their hoses to trap the Jersey Devil on the roof of a house.

Puttkamer shared his investigation into the Yowie, an Australian cryptid similar the North American Bigfoot. He said one community he spoke with claimed to have had regular sightings of the eight foot tall hairy ape-man.

Puttkamer also talked about Cadborasaurus and the Naden Harbor carcass, the Tasmanian Tiger, his bloody encounter with land leeches in Australia, as well as his upcoming documentary, Peyote to LSD, in which he explores the untold story of the psychedelic era.

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