Zodiac Killer Roundtable

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Zodiac Killer Roundtable

About the show

Three experts on the notorious unsolved case of the Zodiac Killer, Ed Neil and Tom Voigt, both associated with zodiackiller.com and Michael Butterfield (zodiackillerfacts.com) came together to share their views. All three believe the killer is still alive and is probably in his seventies or eighties (the four killings he is definitively associated with took place 1969-70). Butterfield said the Zodiac has "one more card to play" and may find a way to reveal his identity after he dies.

Voigt noted that the number of letters the Zodiac sent out (20) to the press and others exceeded the actual number of murders (his handwritten letters and ciphers can be viewed here). Neil commented that the just released David Fincher film, Zodiac, used books by Robert Graysmith as source material, and that many people were already aware of that information, which Butterfield called "fictionalized."

It's the "Jack the Ripper of American history," said Butterfield, yet suspects such as Arthur Leigh Allen, Ted Kaczynski (the Unabomber), and Mr. X (a wealthy San Francisco businessman) have all been eliminated, as their DNA and fingerprints didn't match the evidence. Voigt reported on a Christmas card sent to the San Francisco Chronicle, postmarked from Eureka, CA, in 1990, that was recently uncovered in the newspaper's Zodiac file. While the handwriting appeared to match that of earlier samples, there is a possibility that it may have been hoaxed. The investigations of Voigt and Neil are also featured in the documentary, Hunting the Zodiac.

Phoenix Lights Update

At the top of the show, researcher William Warwick briefly commented on Arizona's former governor, Fife Symington, admitting that he too witnessed the Phoenix Lights, ten years ago. For more, see this report from American Chronicle.

Whitley's New Book

First hour guest, author Whitley Strieber discussed his forthcoming novel, 2012: The War for Souls. The film rights to the book were recently sold to Warner Brothers. For an exploration of his views on 2012 and a possible catastrophe coinciding with the end of the Mayan calendar, see the latest entry of Whitley's Journal.


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Related Articles:

Cab driver Paul Stine was murdered by the Zodiac on October 11, 1969, and witnesses were able to work with a police artist to create a composite of the killer's face. View two versions of the composite that were used for a San Francisco Police Dept. 'Wanted' poster.

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