Evidence for Catastrophe

Hosted byGeorge Noory

Evidence for Catastrophe

About the show

Author Lawrence Joseph discussed how a variety of knowledge he gathered from around the world led him to conclude that humankind is soon to face major earth changes and catastrophe. Storms and intense activity on the sun are on the rise and connected with quakes and upheaval on the Earth, he said. For instance, in September 2005 there were unprecedented storms on the sun, and this was also the time of hurricanes such as Katrina and Rita.

Meeting with Russian scientists in Siberia, he was told that our entire Solar System is passing through an interstellar energy cloud and this would bring on a global cataclysm within less than a decade. He also investigated the deterioration of the Earth's magnetic field, interviewing scientists at a South African Magnetic Observatory.

The Mayans had a precise system of astronomy, and their calendar which ends in 2012, completed the largest cycle of time they could graph, Joseph noted. They saw the center of our galaxy as a navel, and warned of a great disruption on Earth when the Sun aligns with the galactic center, he explained. As to the time frame for such an event, one shaman told him it would happen like "the deepening of twilight."

Phoenix Lights Update

First hour guest, Dr. Lynne Kitei discussed the Phoenix Lights incident, which occurred nearly 10 years ago. Some reported that the V-shaped object seen in the sky was nearly two-miles wide, she said. A recent 'repeat' sighting of the Phoenix Lights seemed "suspect" to her and may have been military flares.

Bumper Music

Last Night

The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
The Challenger Explosion / New England Paranormal
Author Adam Higginbotham discussed the 1986 space shuttle Challenger explosion. Followed by host and researcher Jeff Belanger on paranormal legends and mysteries of New England.


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